King's Business - 1945-03

March, 1945


which are found in the Bible, and looking to the Holy Spirit. —R. A. Torrey. 21. Look to Christ ‘‘Mine iniquities have taken hold upon me, so' that I am not able to look up” (Psa. 40:12). Nothing will blind and paralyze the Christian worker like sin, when it holds him within its terrible embrace. When Peter was being sifted^in Sa­ tan’s sieve, if he had not* been look­ ing up to Jesus, he would not have seen that look of love, and grief, and pity, and compassion that drove him out to weep with bitter but genuine sorrow over his awful fall. If any servant of the Lord Jesus has fallen as low as Peter did, let him look up to his loving Lord for deliverance. —J. W. H. 22. Walking by Faith “I went astray: but now have I kept thy word” (Psa. 119:67). God never would send you the dark­ ness, If He felt you could bear the light; But you would not cling to His guid­ ing hand If the way Were always bright; And you would not care to walk by faith, Could you always walk by sight. Then nestle. your hand in your Father’s, And sing, if you can, as you go; Your song many cheer some one behind you, Whose courage is sinking low. And—well—if your lips do quiver, God will love you better so. —Selected. 23. Faith and Prayer ‘‘Lord, teach us to pray” (Lk. 11:1). We learn to trust a friend by trust­ ing him. Our faith in him grows as our friendship deepens, and our friendship deepens with our growing faith. Thus, faith in God comes by companionship with Him in the prac­ tice of His presence in prayer, and His companionship grows more com­ forting. “Draw Us by thy mercies, if thou canst; drive us by sore trouble, if need be, to the joy and confidence of prayer.’’- 7 -Baptist Herald. 24. The Badge of Uprightness “Serving the Lord with all humil­ ity” (Acts 20:19). Humility is the sense of entire nothingness, which comes when we see how truly God is all. When the creature consents to be with his will, his mind, and his affections, the ves­ sel in which the life and glory of God are to work and manifest them­ selves, he sees that humility is ac­

knowledging the truth of his position as creature, and yielding to God His place. In the life of the Christian, .humility ought to be the chief mark of his uprightness.—Andrew Murray. 25. Living Truly “Speak every man truth with his neighbor” (Eph. 4:25). Not only have we the;infinite wis­ dom of God Almighty in His Word, for our guidance in thinking, but by the same Word we are offered the Holy Spirit. We may ask Him to di­ rect our thinking and our decisions


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Hundreds o f young men now in the army, navy, and marines will be returning to Wheaton College to prepare themselves for Christian service. Needed now are dormi­ tories to make provision for the post-war enrollment. Here then is your opportunity to share in the Lord’s work and to know that your investment will go on producing for many, many years. Write today fo ra plan to make two investments in one. Ask for the annuity book­ let “ Pleasant Tomorrows."

Burton Sutherland, Potty Officer 3rd class. Is a veteran of the two recent sea battles. After the war he plans to return to Wheaton to complete his pre-medic training.


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