King's Business - 1945-03

March, 1945


to raise its ugly head in the Far East as another grave menace, while Ro­ manism is likely to put up a n ew fight for the exclusion of evangelicals from Latin America and other priest- ridden \lands. These factors, both the favoring and the opposing ones, present a tremen­ dous challenge to the missionary forces and to the home church that stands behind them. And it is a chal­ lenge which must be met with utmost promptness and vigor. Anything less than full preparedness, or any delay in putting the. called-for new plans and measures into action will mean inevitable setback and irrecoverable loss. Missions on the field should al­ ready be restudying the areas for which they , are responsible, laying plans for the development of work already in hand and for advance into new territory, deciding on strategic points to occupy, and particular classes’ calling for more attention. So­ cieties laboring in the same areas or adjacent fields should confer with a view to eliminating any .overlapping of work. The vital importance of the indig­ enous church can h a r d l y be over- stressed. Everything possible should be done for its ^spiritual development and its fuller functioning, and it should be made a real partner in all forward lookipg plans and programs. In a number of major fields indeed, including all those of, East Asia, the

POSTWAR MISSIONS [ Continued from Page 84]

there from forty-one days to three, and the instance of a road cut by the Japanese ■military through the im­ penetrable jungle of Malaya. Still more revolutionary is the ihultiplica- tion of airways. It Has actually been predicted that soon no point on thé globe will take over forty-eight hours to reach by air.'' ' The steady trend toward unifica­ tion of languages is another feature of advantage. % It -is stated that in Africa a gradual change is in pro­ cess, accelerated by the war, from tribal to trade languages, by which that continent’s 557 tribal languages will sooner or later be largely sup­ planted by four trade tongues, with seventy per cent of the people speak­ ing some one of the four. Still another valuable postwar ad­ junct to missions is the radio. The well-known and powerful Voice of the Andes (HCJB) station in Quito, Ecua­ dor, daily broadcasts the gospel in several languages. Until interrupted by the war, a radio station in Shang­ hai had been conducting a similar program, and had plans to establish a branch station in eaeh of China’s provinces. And now an association entitled National Religious Broad­ casters, has been formed with the de­ sign of setting up broadcasting cen­ ters at strategic points throughout the missionary world. The scope and effect of such new auxiliary mission­ ary method can hardly be overesti­ mated. Opposing Factors It is not to be thought for a mo­ ment that with the reopening of the door for world-wide missionary effort the opposition of Satan will have ceased. Rather may we be certain that it will increase, and the devil is doubtless even now mustering his forces for a new and vigorous assault upon the forces of Christ. There will be commercialism with its tendency to turn hearts away from the quest after spiritual things by the counter- attractions of money and worldly pleasure. There will be a tremendous new flood of “civilized” vices pour­ ing into the open doors—rum, narcot­ ics, gambling, harlotry, lewd picture shows and other evils, as well as every form of false and corrupted re­ ligion and philosophy. There' will be the baneful influence of the new and intimate contact of Orientals and Af­ ricans with Western soldiery and its shameful display of loose morals. All these things together will be à power­ ful force competing hotly with Chris­ tianity fôr the mind and heart of the newly awakened peoples of mission I'mds. Communism, too,-is sure a^sin

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THE RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION (Peter Deyneka, General Director) is engaged in evangelistic and missionary work in many parts of the world. God has greatly honored this work and blessed His message through our missionaries Hundreds have accepted Christ as their Saviour and believers have been' strengthened Several baptismal services have been conducted in' the last few months W E C O N T IN U E T O : Send out new missionaries to Alaska. Engage new missionaries in Canada, the United States, and South America Send financial, help direct to Moscow, Persia, Palestine, South America and Australia »Print ithousands of tracts in the Russian language. Support two Russian Bible Institutes, training many young people for Christian service Sponsor three radio broadcasts in the Russian language# Print Russian hymn books, several thousand now on the. press T, We thank God for everyone who has a part in praying’ for and supporting this work! If the Holy Spirit should lead you to have fellowship with us in winning souls make your checks payable to THE RUSSIAN GQSPEL ASSOCIATION Dept. K .B ., 64 W . Randolph S t., Chicago 1, Illinois Our illustrated magazine will be sent free upon, request. YOU WANT THE BEST IN VISUAL AIDS

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