King's Business - 1945-03

t March, 1945


p a l l i n g decrease, for some of the churches as high as twenty per cent.' .. “The head'of the Federal Bureau of Investigation attributes the alarming increase in crime, especially among youth, to the lack of conscience, and says that that in turn comes from a lack of religious training. ‘When men,’ he says, ‘do. not know God or His justice, they do not respect His laws.’ ” And when men do not know God in Christ, the only Saviour from siri; their deliberations, whether in peace or in war, can be fraught with nothing but failure. He Faileth Not By Annabel Lee Crumly God faileth not: *Twas He who made creation. His power. His might Encompass all the earth. Divinely swayed, f Each heav’nly constellation Bears witness to the truth: He faileth not. God faileth not: In love He wrought salvation; From doomed jnankind He lifted sin’s dread curse. Upon the cross in fullest expiation He took man’s place— and died. He faileth not! God faileth not— O wondrous consolation! Jehovah’s love The surest comfort brings. Sing! ye that mourn— Kneel low in adoration! His empty tomb proclaims: He faileth not!

Current Business LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-in-Chief

Th'e enrollment for the 1944-45 year is 757 as of February 12. Training in the Word of God is offered without tuition charge, the purpose being to equip young men and women spiritually and to send forth them with the gospel to the needy comers of the earth. Christian stewards who haVe a part in 'this ministry will rejoice in .what the Lord is doing. Fruit That Abides In some 300 cities in the United States today, youth rallied are being held eaeh week. Scores of enthusiastic young, people are making decisions for the Lord Jesus Christ. These rallies are meeting a nation-wide need for the evangelization of high school and college young people. Each Saturday night in the audi­ torium of the Church of 'the Open Door—to mention just one of the cen­ ters—over 4,000 young people ’ gather. The meetings are geared to youth and conducted by youth, with the continual exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ. To those individuals who may refer to the danger that exists when a work is built primarily on inspiration, it is gratifying to be able to say that the most careful effort is being put forth to 'establish these young people in the Word of God; to create within them a love for it and a devotion to it, which alone can make for growth. “ If we are to have ‘fruit that abides’ from these youth rallies,” declares one of-the leaders, .“the secret lies in the thoroughness of the prayer and Bible study which must accompany the rally.” load to Ruin "America scan win the war ana yet lose its own soul. A nation is losing its soul when it is losing its Religion, and when its youth are sinking into crime.” Thus declared Clarence Edward Macartney recently in an address in Pittsburg on the question, “Is Amer­ ica on the Road to Ruin?” He stated: “No one can question that the moral and religious pillars of American life are being fiercely attacked and seriously shaken. The Protestant churches over a period of years show little growth in member­ ship, and, as a rule, the older and larger the c h u r c h e s the less the growth. . . Nearly all show an ap­

An Easter Thought When I behold a starlit sky, Or watch a flaming dawn Unfold into a new-born day, All fear of death is gone. For in these gleams and fragments, I trace the hand of God— I If He can make a day and night— He can transform this sod! —Li. DeveaUx. Torrey Conference It has been the custom now for ten years; iii the: last week in January which embraces the birthday anniver­ sary' of Reuben Archer Torrey, to hold a week of intensive meetings in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, for the purpose of reaffirming the funda­ mentals of the Christian faith for the strengthening of believers. The conference this year was parti­ cularly well attended; in fact, accord- irfg to many reports it has become the outstanding winter conference in .the nation. Among the speakers who came from a distance were: Donald Grey Barnhouse, Pastor of the Tenth Presbyterian -C h u r c h, Philadelphia, Pa., and editor of the magazine, Revelation; Herbert E. Kann, Pastor of Oliver Presbyterian Church of Min­ neapolis, Minn.; Roy L. Brown, well- known Bible teacher; Torrey M. John­ son, Pastor of Mid-West Bible Church, Chicago, 111., and director of Youth for Christ, International; and J. Ren- wick McCullough, P a s t o r of First Presbyterian Church of Tacoma, Wash. A number of Local ministers and teachers also took part in these meet­ ings, which were held morning, after­ noon, and evening at the Institute, and afternoon and evening in churches in Pasadena and Long Beach. Already plans are being made for next year’s conference, and churches as far distant as Santa Ana, California, have re­ quested the privilege of being in­ cluded in the schedule for simul­ taneous meetings. Praise God! At th e beginning *of last fall’s semester at the Institute, the report was made that the' enrollment' was the largest in the history of the school. Now another semester has begun tre- gistration days haying been on Jan­ uary 29 and 30), and it can be pointed out, with great praise to God, that not only has the earlier1figure been maintained, but the number of stu­ dents actually has been increased.

Photo by Kirkpatrick

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