Admitted Student Day 2024 Event Program

Monday, April 1, 2024

Event Check-In 8:00 AM – 8:45 AM | FLUOR FOUNTAIN

Check-in and review your opportunities for the day! During this time you can review the day’s event schedule and academic opportunities, sign up for a dorm tour or Select & Connect opportunities, and grab a breakfast burrito before starting your exciting day as an Admitted Student! If you’re a part of the Premier Eagle Club there will also be an opportunity for you to find out more about your housing for next year. Stop by the Premier Eagle Club table for more info. Eagles Welcome Session


Join us for a welcome from the Vice President of Student Development, Dr. Mark Muha, have the chance to win some Biola swag and hear an overview of the schedule & opportunities for the day. We will also be giving away one of the three $400 Disney gift cards during this session! All Day Opportunities BIOLA COMMUNITY FAIR 10:30 AM - 4:30 PM | Fluor Fountain - Sutherland Way *In case of rain, the Community Fair will be moved to the SUB (Student Union Building). One of the greatest parts of Biola is our community. Get a taste of Biola at the Community Fair! Throughout the day, different departments will be available to chat with and learn more about different ways to get involved on campus. Some departments that will be out all day include: New Student Orientation, who will be available for questions regarding fall orientation, Office of Campus Engagement, this department oversees all student clubs, intramurals, off- campus excursions, and on-campus events, and The Biola Store, who oversees Slingshot Biola’s service that automatically orders your class books. Stop by and say hi!

Throughout the day, you can also connect with SEID & FirstGen, Biola African Student Association, Men’s Lacrosse, Biola Chess Club and the AI Lab.

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