building in Lefaivre. The original garbage collection contract dates back to 2015 and was renewed in 2021 for a three-year term that ends at the beginning of April 2024. Gendron’s department is preparing a proposal call for the new garbage collection contract and also looking at revising the present collection fee system to make it more fair concerning the cost-sharing among residential, commercial, industrial, and other property owners. “Both the garbage and the recycling fees would be proportionate to the category that a property fits,” Gendron said. The goal, Gendron told council, is to develop a user-pay fee sytem that allows for much potential garbage a household or a business would present for pickup each week along with a reasonable charge for collection and transport to the landfill. “You pay for what you generate,” he said. In response to questions from Council, Gendron said that currently, approximately 4,300 households take out the 127-litre bins provided by the municipality for residential waste collection. Households that put out more garbage than the bin can hold are charged extra for the extra garbage collected. Recyclable materials that are to be collected on garbage day are kept separately in blue box bins. Gendron notes in his report that between 150 and 200 industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I) properties, as well as agricultural properties where there are no houses, use bins of varying sizes for their waste collection. These bins range in capacity from 120 liters to eight yards. For
recyclables, these homeowners place them in separate bins of various sizes or leave them loose for collection. The report indicates that 59 commercial and industrial premises use metal bins to store waste for collection. Access to these bins for collection is sometimes difficult because they may be located behind the building or on the side and require the gar- bage truck to first drive through a parking lot. Delays in snow removal in the winter can sometimes make it impossible to collect garbage at these locations. Gendron’s department plans to conduct a survey of garbage collection sites as part of the preparation of the bidding process for a new contract. He explained to the board that contractors who choose to bid on the contract need to have as much accurate information as possible about the routes they need to take for collection and the types of situations they may encounter during a pickup. The survey will also help develop a fair user fee system for waste collection. Gen- dron noted that currently, IC&I customers who use metal garbage cans for waste disposal generate 35 per cent of the waste that goes to landfill, while providing 7 per cent of the waste collection revenue to the municipality under the current fee and rate structure. IC&I’s households and small customers generate 65 per cent of the waste going to landfill, but pay 93 per cent of the revenue. Gendron’s department will present a proposal for a revised user fee schedule at a future council meeting.
Alfred-Plantagenet Township’s administration is looking a creating a new user-pay system for garbage and recycling collection throughout the municipality. The goal is to provide a fee system that is more fair about the costs to individual households and businesses for their garbage collection. —file photo
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
February 21 committee of the whole session with a summary report on plans for a new garbage collection contract and user fee schedule. and the recreation department are going to try again this year to get a new roof on the library. Recreation Director Ken St-Denis pres- ented council with a report during its February 21 committee of the whole session on the new plan for reroofing the village library
Alfred-Plantagenet Township administra- tion is looking at a garbage collection fee system that is more fair and does not put most of the cost burden onto residential households. Public Works Director Jonathan Gen- dron presented township council during its
de documents, la commission d’une infrac- tion pour une organisation criminelle et la participation à une organisation criminelle. Certains des faux documents se sont vendus des milliers de dollars, selon la Police provinciale de l’Ontario. Morrisseau, également connu sous le nom de Copper Thunderbird, était un artiste EF MB 1SFNJÍSF /BUJPO #JOHXJ /FZBBTIJ Anishinaabek du nord-ouest de l’Ontario. Avant sa mort en 2007, des allégations ont été formulées à l’égard de personnes qui auraient créé et vendu des œuvres d’art sous son nom. j/PSWBM.PSSJTTFBVÊUBJUVOBSUJTUFEF premier plan dans la région de Thunder Bay et le fait de tirer profit de son nom est non seulement contraire à l’éthique, mais aussi illégal. De concert avec la Police provinciale de l’Ontario, je félicite toutes les personnes concernées pour la résolution réussie d’une enquête aussi importante », a déclaré le chef Dan Taddeo du service de police de Thunder Bay, dans un communiqué de presse. Bien que la Police provinciale de l’Ontario affirme qu’elle n’est pas en mesure d’authen- tifier les œuvres d’art, il est recommandé aux personnes qui pensent être en possession d’une œuvre d’art suspectée d’être fausse ou frauduleuse de consulter un avocat. Le Barreau de l’Ontario, qui gère le Service de référence du Barreau, offre une consultation gratuite d’une demi-heure avec un avocat. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le site http://www.lso.ca.
Les résidents du district de South Nations Conservation (SNC) sont invités à examiner les cartes des plaines inondables et des risques d’érosion lors d’une journée portes ouvertes prévue le 29 mars au centre communautaire Lucien-Delorme de Wendover. - photo d’archives
The OPP and the Thunder Bay Police Service concluded a two-and-a-half-year investigation into forgeries of Norval Morrisseau paintings, resulting in eight arrests and the seizure of more than 1,000 fake paintings. - photo provided by OPP
JOSEPH COPPOLINO Joseph.coppolino@eap.on.ca
information, field surveys, bathymetry (water depth) and water resource modelling. The new maps provide a better unders- tanding of the water flow and location of flooding and erosion hazards during storm events. These maps include the risk of either a storm event with a 1% chance of occurring in any given year, or where there are steep slopes or erosion risks. Updates to the maps were spurred on by the disastrous floods of 2019 and the ensuing review and recommendations from Ontario’s Special Advisor on Flooding and their “Independent Review of the 2019 Flood &WFOUTJO0OUBSJPu Residents are also invited to schedule JOQFSTPOPSWJSUVBMNFFUJOHTXJUI4/$PO weekdays and evenings between April 3 and April 14, 2023 to learn more and to view the draft map updates.
The South Nation Conservation Authority (SNC) is hosting an open house to education residents on floodplain and erosion hazards along the Ottawa River. On Wednesday, March 29, from 6 to 8 p.m. residents can drop in to the Wendover Lucien-Delorme Community Centre and view property specific maps to better understand the risks to life and property in area. Resi- EFOUTDBOBTLRVFTUJPOTPG4/$TUBGGBOE provide feedback on the maps. 4/$ TVQQPSUFECZUIFGFEFSBMBOEQSP - vincial governments as well as the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR), has updated floodplain maps last produced in the 1980s. These updated maps were created using “state-of-the-art digital topographic
JOSEPH COPPOLINO Joseph.coppolino@eap.on.ca
Une enquête de près de trois ans, menée par la Police provinciale de l’Ontario (PPO) sur une fraude artistique vieille de plusieurs décennies, a abouti à l’arrestation de huit personnes et à la saisie de plus de 1 000 œuvres d’art, censées être peintes par le prolifique artiste autochtone Norval Morrisseau. Les huit personnes, arrêtées le 1er mars, ont été accusées de plus de 40 infractions, dont la fraude, la falsification, la falsification
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