NEW Flight Student Guidebook

NEW Flight Student Guidebook

 Go to (may require “.us” at the end if outside the U.S.)

 Click on “Register Options” in the top right corner of the page, then “Candidate Portal”, and complete all steps. The email address you enter will be used by the AFSP for all communication with you. Please keep this email address active.

 Begin a “Training Request” for your flight course. Most students will apply for initial training (private pilot). If you already have a private pilot certificate, you will apply for instrument training. An application guide is available on the AFSP ...

 Your training request will be acknowledged by the flight training department. After that, the AFSP will send an email (to the address you provided) with instructions on how to pay for the clearance. This is the last step that you may complete on you...

 The AFSP will send an email with instructions to complete the fingerprint process. You may complete this at the Daytona Beach International Airport or you may book an appointment at ERAU’s Flight Data & Certification office by emailing Mishi Parker ...

 Once your background check is successfully completed, the flight training department will be notified that you are approved to begin training. We will then register you for the flight course and pair you with a flight instructor as soon as possible.

 On the day of your first training activity, we will take a photograph of you to upload to the TSA database to comply with current regulations.

 Once you are active in ETA you will see three holds appear on your account for TSA. These holds will be removed at various times throughout your flight training. No further action is required. The ETA TSA Picture hold will be removed the day of your...

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