King's Business - 1926-03





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The Bible F,

$ 1.2 ) a year in U. $ 1.50 foreign

Volume 17 — Number 3 20 cents a copy

DR . C H A R L E S A . B L A N C H A R D L ate P resident W h ea ton C o lle g e , W h ea ton , Illinois M arch , 1926

4*For E ver, O L o rd , T h y W o rd ¡a Settled in H e a v e n /*——Psalm 1 1 9 :8 9

life Guarantee to


Read how to do it in **PHYSICAL VOICE CULTURE” , the greatest book ever written on voice building« It will show you the one scientific, tested way to build a powerful singing or speaking voice« Send coupon below for— JreeVook! T HE four letters on this page tell amazing stories of vocal develop­ ment They are* from men and was almost destroyed by catarrh and asthma. An impediment in his speech caused him untold embarrassment and suffering. Now he is singing in Grand Opera in California. “An unusual case,** you say. Not at all. He merely took advantage of the opportunity you are given here. Build up your voice the simple, easy, nat­ ural way by silent physical exercises in the privacy ot your own home.' The Physical Voice-Culture method is ideally adapted to home study. It is being taught as successfully by correspondence as by personal instruction. No one need know that you are studying until you have developed a strong, beautiful voice. When you are constantly urged to sing or speak at your church, at private re­ ceptions or public functions—when you are the most popular person in your cir­ cle of acquaintances, then youwill know therichrewardsof Physical Voice-Culture. I f You Can Pass These Tests Y ou Can Develop a Superb Singing Voice you open your mouth wide enough to fingers between your teeth? 1•Can two »-» »».. women who have learned that Physical Voice-Culture is the one, infallible, tested, scientific method of voice building. They are just a few of the thousands telling the same stories of success, in many cases, after all other methods of voice building had failed. Your voice has fascinatingdormant pos­ sibilities that you may not even realize. The newbook, Physical Votce-CulturtvnM showyou how to build up a superb voice by the development of muscles whose existence you never suspected.' No mat- . ter what condition your voice is in now, ' it can be improved at least 100 % or every cent of tuition will be cheerfully refunded without question when you have finished the course. Justa fewyearsago, Bert Langtre’s voice

Glad to Tell Everybody What Your Course Did I shall certainly be delighted to tell anyone what your coune did for me. In fact, I have been telling people for the last three yean and started several people in the work in Japan. When one lives in New York, as I do now. and sees the number of wholly unqualified people who are teaching tinging, it seems as if there ought to be some test for teachers. I think that learning ten operatic roles, one after another, is a pretty good testof the ren­ dition of a person a throat, don t your My voice doesn't seem to have Buffered in the least from it. ___ ___ Florence Mendelton, New York City. Wouldn’t Part With Coune for $1,000.00 I have a great deal to say about this won­ derful course, and want you to know that I am a happy man since taking it up. I needed your coune badly, very badly. Being a teacher, I have to apeak, at times, quite loud, and the strain on my throat was acutely felt, and hoarseness followed. My voice ia abso­ lutely clear and resonant now, in fact, I have no words to thank you enough. I wouldn’t part with my Coune for a thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ _ _ „ Julio C. De Vosconcellos, New Bedford, Mass. Realizes the Dream o f HerLife A feeling of thankfulness comes over me to think I have found such an opportunity to cultivate my voice. It is theone great thing m myUfeto develops beautifulvoice, and tothink that it is daily improving through your won­ derful method brought right to my own door. I will now make you happy by saying it is certainly the beat investment I ever made. Florence M. Clarke, _ 148811th Ave., Vancouver, B. C. Lost Voice Restored—Sings Better Than Ever I am very glad to be able to inform you that the study and practice of your exercises is making a great change in my voice. You may appreciate what this means to me when I teu you that an illness while in France, weakened my throat to such anextent that I feared I would never sing again. How­ ever, after studying your lessons, t find that I can sing better than ever, in met, I wastold by a friend who had beard me sing at a re­ ception that I had never been in better voice than I am now. J. Ralph Bartlett, Newton, N. H.

2* Can you swallow five times in succession? 3* Holding your hand to your throat, can yon Mel the cords vibrate when you sing *Wo*?" . . 4* Can you hold y o u t breath for 30 seconds? 5« Are y o u determined to sing or speak well? If yon answer mycsm to these ques« tions, you have a potentially fine voice mat can be developed amas* inglyby PHYSICAL VOICE CULTURE. PERFECT VOICE INSTITUTE,Studio53-13 1922 8unnyside Ave., Chicago, 11L Gentlemen: Send at ones, free and.withcotob^a; Mon. your beaatlfally firastreied book .Physical Voice Culture” and home study memodofviise building ItJsengap*


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T he K ing ’ s B usiness M otto: I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day." Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES

T. C. HORTON, - - - Editor-in-chief WM. A. FISHER, Managing Editor CONTRIBUTORS DR. W. B. HINSON





THIS MAGAZINE stands for the Infallible Word of Cod. and for its great fundamental doctrines. . ITS PURPOSE is to strengthen the faith of all believers, in all the world: to stir their hearts to engage in definite Christian work; to acquaint them with the varied work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles: and to work in harmony and fellowship with them in magnifying tne person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ, and thus hasten His coming. Volume XV II March, 1926 Number 3 „ , , ,

Table of Contents


Page .117 ..117 .118 .119 ..120

Editorials Conscience! Conviction! Courage!........................................... Sparing and Spoiling ................................... s----..... -...................... The Blasphemous Breath of Luther Burbank..... ...................... Appalling Apostasy .............................................. «--.................... The Sleepy Saints........ ,.................... ............................................. Contributed Articles “Salt” or “Leaven” ?— Dr. John Murdoch Maclnnis............. What Every Christian Knows— Dr. Christopher G. Hazard— Miracles! Are They Possible?-i—Dr. Arthur T. Pierson........... An Antidote for Pessimism— Dr. John G. Reid............. Anthropology: or the Doctrine of Man— Dr. F. E. Marsh...... The Indoctrinated Life— Dr. Mark A. Matthews..................... Jesus, the Teacher— Rev. Keith L. Brooks............. .................. Seeing the Unseen— Homera Hodgson ................ .......... Transformed by the Power of the Son of God........................ Fine Gold (A Serial Story)— Josephine Hope Westervelt.......... Matters of Moment ...................... .................. - .......................... .......... Evangelistic Department (Interesting Soul Winning Stories from Real Experience)....... ........... ....................—-.......... Pointers for Preachers and Teachers (Homiletical Helps)............... The Family Circle (For Fellowship and Intercession).................... Practical Methods of Personal Work (For Defenders of the Faith) Outline Studies in the Epistles of John— T. C. Horton................... Christian Endeavor Topics................. « .................... ..................... The Children’s Garden (The King’s Business Junior)«...:............. Bible Institute Happenings............................ ........................................ The Chosen People, the Land, and the Book.................... ................ Best Books ... .. .— ................................. *..................................... ......

J. M. IRVINE, President GEO. F. GUY,


123 121 125 129 131 132 133 134 135 137 139 140 142 143 145 147 149 151 .153 155 157


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DR. CHARLES A. BLANCHARD PRESIDENT OF WHEATON COLLEGE BORN NOV. 6, 1848 • ENTERED INTO REST DEC. 10, ig»i “A hood man. full of the Holy Ghost and of faith"-Ac* *«»4 |OR many years the editor o f this magazine had the pleasure o f a heart fellowship with this man o f God. W e loved him because he was lovable . . He had a _____ _ big heart and it was outflowing with love for men. Dr. Blanchard Was a man o f strong convictions which ,he never failed to express in definite and loving terms . . . There were two outlooks to his vision . . one was toward the face o f his Lord, and the other to the face o f his fel- low-man; and the radiance o f his upward look was always manifest as he looked into thft feces o f his earthly friends. God has great difficulty in getting Christian men to con­ form to His holy will, but He had a man after His own heart in Dr. Blanchard . W e thank God for his long life o f sacrificial service, for his influence upon many lives, and look forward to a happy handshake with him when we shall meet him in the glory.-T. c. h .


called to his. reward on Sunday, December 20 , 1925 , while sitting quietly by his own fireside. Until the moment when the Lord called him home, Dr. Blanchard had been “ about his Father’s business.” In addition to his life-longministry in church and college, he had a nation wide ministry as author, Bible Teacher and executive. His last years have been especially honored of God, not only as the counsellor and spirit­ ual father of the thousands of students who have gone out from Wheaton, but as one of " the outstanding spiritual leaders and prophets of his generation.

Charles Albeit Blanchard was bom November 6 , 1848 , at Galesburg, Illinois, during the time that his father, Jonathan Blanchard, was pres­ ident of Knox College. In i 860 his father be­ came the founder and first president o f Wheaton College. In 187 a Dr. Blanchard became a member of the faculty of Wheaton College, and served as pastor o f Wheaton College church, o f the Streator Congregational Church and of Moody Church, Chicago. In 1884 he became President o f Wheaton College, and continued in that position until


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

March 1926


ered. Look*at Daniel! Paul! Test them by these three words. Think of the martyrs! Read secular history! Consider the life of Abraham Lincoln, and thank God that even today there are a host of men and women who cannot be bought at any price. But on the other hand: Look at the church and many of its leaders and missionaries who reach out and take the fruit from the tree of salary, of popu­ larity, of position! It looks so good, so inviting, so promising! Many are the hands we have seen reach out for these things and many are the sorrowful lives

CONSCIENCE! CONVICTION! COURAGE! A good friend took us by the coat collar the other day, drew us close and saidjJ‘ 1 want you------ It is not necessary to repeat his request, but the nature of it impelled us to reply: “ We would be glad to do so and so, but these three things have always controlled us in our life for the Lord:— Conscience, conviction, and courage.” And these three words suggested a message for The King’s Business Family. Sixty years of contact with business and professional men, of all classes, and with _________ _____

that have resulted. Many men have hurt the heart of their Lord rather than hurt the heart of some man in the pulpit who has no place for Jesus Christ—God mani­ fest in the flesh—but a large place for the shekels. What does God need in these days ? Men ! Men with conscience, conviction, a n d courage ! Red- blooded men who would rather die than surrender the, principles of ■righteousness. Friends, fame or funds have no attraction for them in the light o f God’s Word. Take these three “ C ’s,” look them straight in the face, and if you are not already dominated by them, seek God’s help in giving them control over your heart and life, and then take your place in the ranks of God’s army, ready for any conflict. SPARING AND SPOILING Many people are much per-- plexed in these days as to just what their attitude s h o u l d be towards punishment for wrong­ doing. One writer says, “ I never saw a child whipped into habitual goodness. • * * The parent who tries to inspire respect with a club or razor strop is all wrong. The

church leaders of all denomina­ tions, have taught us some helpful and healthy lessons. Two great sources of education are free to all,—the Bible and humanity, and any one who has familiarized him­ self with these is prepared in a large measure for the conflict of life, for the Bible is the mirror o f human nature and the„conduct of men is the attestation of the truth o f the Bible. The Bible is full of illustrations of the fact that the three words which form our theme represent the real need of real men. Take the first picture in the Garden of Eden, when Satan walked in the path with Eve and they looked at the fruit o f the one tree which God had designated as forbidden. Eve could and did say to Satan, “ It is all ours, with this one exception.” But there was an appeal to her in the subtle sug­ gestion, “ Why does God make this exception t What motive has He? If it is the best fruit, why not let us have it? ” She is battling with her con­ science. ‘ *God says *N o !’ But it looks so beautiful!” She is wav­ ering. Conviction of what is right

OUR MARCHING ORDERS Go forward, Christian soldier, Beneath His banner true ! The Lord Himself tby Leader, Shall all thy foes subdue. His love foretells thy trials, He knows thine hourly need ; He will, with Bread of Heaven, Thy fainting spirit feed. Go forward, Christian soldier! Nor dream of peaceful rest, Till Satan’s host is vanquished, And Heaven is all possessed ; Till Christ Himself shall call thee To lay thine armor by, And wear in endless glory The crown of victory. Go forward, Christian soldier L Fear not the gathering night ; The Lord will be thy shelter, The Lord will be thy Light. When morn His face revealeth, Thy dangers all are past. So pray that faith and courage May keep thee to the last ! —Lawrence Tuttiet (1861)

only way to inspire respect is to deserve it. All normal children are eager to respect their parents and even brag about them.” We know nothing about this writer, whether man or woman. Perhaps it is some good-hearted man or woman who never had any children and really believed that these statements were true. But whoever made them was surely ignorant of God’s law and was, it might be ignorantly, sowing the seed of disloyalty to the Word of God and disrespect for the law of the land, and thereby helping to multiply the criminals now threatening our civilization. Whenever you find any statement which conflicts with the Word of God, set it down as wrong, and then proceed to analyze it for yourself. We know this sen

is giving way to desire. The ability to sin is hers. She has the power to reach out and take the fruit. Wisdom is promised her if she does. Her eyes will be opened. She is human. A great adventure is before her. Conviction is not strong enough. She lacks the cour­ age, and we know the rest. The sorrowful story is written in the life of every human being. Contrast Eve’s conduct and fall with the story of the saints whose names are written in the Eleventh of Hebrews, of “ whom the world was not worthy,” but who all “ obtained a good report through faith !” Look at Job! He had conscience, conviction, and courage! Death would have been preferable to the afflictions which were his, but his faith never wav­

March 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


old, devil-divulged idea which m o s t men have never really believed. How long would civilization last if it were true that death ended all? This propaganda is a blow at the very foundation of our government, true, then capital punishment would be a relief to many men and human life would be valueless. Note what Mr. Burbank says: “ All religions of the past and probably all of the foture will sooner or later become petrified forms Instead of living helps to mankind. As a scientist, I cannot help but feel that all religions are on a tottering foundation. None Is perfect or inspired. As for their prophets, there are as many m ever before, only now science refuses to let them overstep fVi a bniindc of oommoti sense.” “ As a scientist” ! Well, we never knew that he claimed the title of “ scientist,” but suppose he is fol­ lowing the fashion of the day. We did know that by strict adherence to God’s unchanging laws concern­ ing plant life, he had produced the Burbank potato, and were greatly pleased with it. It is a good potato. Observe another of his ‘ ‘ scientific ’ ’ statements: ‘ ‘The Idea that a good God will send people to a burning hell Is utterly damnable to me. I don’t want to have any­ thing to do with such a God.” Yet a good God has made -a law so affecting plant life that if it is not properly cared for, death results. If a child puts its hand into the fire, it will be burned. Who made that law? Our Lord said of Dives, “ And in hell, he lift up his eyes, being in torment.” Christ believed in hell, even if Mr. Burbank does not. Again Mr. Burbank says: “ The universe is not big enough to contain perpetually all the human souls and the other living beings that have been here for thteir short span. A theory of personal resur­ rection or reincarnation of the individual is untenable when we but pause to consider the magnitude of the idea. “ On the contrary, I must believe that, rather than the survival of all, we must look for survival only in the spirit of the good we have done in passing through. “ Once obsolete, an automobile is thrown to the scrap heap. Once here and gone the human life has likewise served its purpose. If it has been a good life it has been sufficient. There is no need for another.” . Well, if he is a scientist, then he knows that there are billions of spheres where Almighty God could tuck away resurrected people if He so desired. But, listen again: "I do recognize the existence of a £reat universal power— a power which we can’t even begin to comprehend and might as well not attempt to. It may be a conscious mind and it may not. I don’t know. As a scientist I should like to know, but as man I am not so vitally concerned.” This is a good confession! “ He would like to know, as a scientist, but not as a man!” Wonderful! Won­ derful ! But his closing statement is so blasphemous that some years ago it would not have been allowed to pass through the mails: “ As for Christ— well, He has been most outrageously belied. His followers, like those of many scientific and literary men who produce no real thoughts of their own, have so garbled His words and conduct that many of them no longer apply to present life. Christ was a wonderful psychologist. He waB an infidel of His day'because He rebelled against the prevailing religion and government. “ I am a lover of Christ as a man and His works and all things that help humanity but, nevertheless, just as He was an infidel then, I am an infidel today. I do not believe what has been served me to believe. I am a doubter, a ques­ tioner, a skeptic. When it can be proved to me that there

timental idea must be wrong for the Scripture says (Prov. 19:18): “ Spare the rod and spoil the child,” and we know that God Himself always follows this course with the world and with His own people. God never has violated one of His own laws and never will. The Cross of Christ is the outstanding proof of this, and when He bore our sin in His own body on the tree He suffered the agony of being for­ saken of God. He died the death of a sinner and cried, “ My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?H But, having fulfilled the law of sin and death, He estab­ lished a new law of resurrection unto eternal life for all who believe on Him.” “ For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath.made me free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2). Winking at wrong-doing; easing up in the matter of punishment for violation of law; is threatening our land, and is founded upon the basic error of repudia­ tion of God ’8 Word. Rebellion against God and the laws of God is followed by the ruin of individuals and nations. High ideals can never be attained by any one who treats lightly the laws of God. The rod does not change the nature of the child, but it does produce respect for authority. Men may hate God’s law, and they, do, but execution of that law increases fear of punishment, and “ the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” We are all glad to know that sowing will surely be followed by reaping when we plant our fields and gardens, but we are inclined to smile t£t the conse­ quences of *‘ wild oat sowing, ’ ’ the harvest of which is inevitable. The Word of God is definite: “ whatsoever a man soweth THAT shall he also reap.” / Spare the rod—spoil the child! Spare the law-breaker—spoil your civilization! The young people o f today are becoming more and more lawless. There is laxity of discipline in home and school. Many homes are without the exercise of any parental authority whatever, and school and civic laws are violated with impunity. We owe it to our youth; we owe it to the nation; we owe it to God,—to revere all of His laws, and every child should be taught this truth. I f this were done, fewer of them would be growing up as lawless lads and lassies, and more of them would become law-abid­ ing citizens. Remember—this silly sentiment does not'“ approve itself to God. He is a rigid law-enforcer. He demands respect for His law, and when it is broken, He. punishes, and often the punishment is very severe. Let us get back to God’s Word! Get back to His righteous demands! Cultivate a spirit of respect for Him in the minds of our youth, and thereby do much to clarify the crime conditions and create a character consistent with, the profession we make of being a God­ fearing and God-obeying nation. THE BLASPHEMOUS BREATH OF LUTHER, BURBANK The San Francisco Bulletin of January 22 says that Luther Burbank has announced that he “ is an infidel in the true sense of the word.” That he “ does not believe in a personal resurrection,” and that “ science dis­ proves the theory of reincarnation and life after death.” Now Mr. Burbank has the God-given right to such a belief. He is not stating any thing new, but just an



T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

March 1926

Two things mark this apostasy from the faith : The denial of the verity of the Word of God, and the denial Of thè Godhead of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, God mani­ fest in the flesh. Whenever there is any question in your mind as to the soundness of any man’s faith, go to him in a kindly manner and ask this question : ‘ ‘ Do you believe^ in the verity of the Word of God, and that Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh?” Any evasion or quibbling in the answer will be equivalent to a denial. Note that the Scripture says: “ Some shall depart from the faith.” That is, they had once professed to believe that which they do not now believe. They once favored the faith and now they oppose it. What is the

is immortality, that there is resurrection beyond the gates of death, then will I believe. Until then, no.” This country of ours was never produced by men like Burbank. .Contrast his sacrilegious allusion to Christ, —God manifest in the flesh—with the words of Lin­ coln, and then contrast the two men! We have not attempted to quote all he said in the article referred to, but enough to cause sorrow and indignation. Has the man been so engaged with the little things o f earth that he has failed to look up to the heavens which declare the glory of God? How degrading, then, must be the life of a so-called “ sci­ entist” compared with the many real scientists of note, who with Bible in hand, and faith in the heart, .have

reason? Their faith was a profession but not a possession, and consequently t h e y were snared by Satan. For, remember, Satan made a tool of Judas. Satan is not dead. He is still in the game and on the job every moment. His greatest delight is to work in the c h u r c h where Christ is supposed to be honored and wor­ shipped. Evil men will wax worse and worse any­ way, because they are Satan’s emissaries, but his crowning joy is to snare the saints, help to destroy their use­ fulness and use them as instruments to carry out his p i a n s and deceive, if pos­ sible, the very elect, and this he does. Who are some of these apostates? Well, Harry Emerson Fos- dick professed to be­ lieve the Bible. 13e singled out a Presby­ terian church in New

read, reverenced and testified - to the true Word of God and the G o d h e a d of Jesus Christ, and who have, in loving lowliness of mind, kissed the feet of Him who said, “ He that hath seen me hath seen the Father; ’ ’ “ I and the Father are One;” “ Without Me, ye can do nothing.” Ignorance is s t i l l bliss to many, but the future is full of ter­ rors, and no matter what any of them may say, the fear of that future will still dom­ inate the soul of every normal man. Mr. D a n i e l s has given us a grewsome picture of a God-given prophecy of present c o n d i t i o n s in the church. Unite to the Scripture reference given under the car­ toon that of 2 Timothy 3 :1 and you face some of the facts for serious consideration: “ This know shall come.” APPALLING APOSTASY


York City for his game and played it for a number of vears, ministers of other Presbyterian churches endors­ ing him meanwhile. He stayed in that Presbyterian church when he knew that the great body of Presbyter- ians were opposed to him, and when any sort of consul- eration for the rights of others would have moved him to find a place better suited to his faith-denying and faith-destroying views. . Mr. Fosdick made an address recently at Geneva tne theme of which was, “ A Christian Conscience About War,” opposing war and crying for peace. But why did he fight for a job in a church where he knew he was violating the foundation principles of righteous­ ness and peace? Surely, Satan has a grip on such a man. Read again the warning of the Word of God: ••This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

also, that In the last days perlions times The Word of God is a prophetic book. The Old Testament is verified by the facts in the New Testa­ ment, and the New Testament is verified by the history of the church and by world events. Pity the Christian who has not been able by practical experience to prove the unerring verity of the Bible! The apostasy *of the Church is definitely described in many portions of the New Testament. Evidences of it are recorded in every period of the existence of the church, and it is now so marked that its presence is everywhere felt. * “ In the latter times, some shall depart from the faith.” Not all, thank God. But what is the faith? Unquestionably it is Jesus Christ our Lord. He is the center. Our faith is fixed upon Him.


March 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



Exterior and Interior views o f the Unique R ock in g Chair Church at Haines City, Fla., where the congregation rock s too and fro in com fort durinsr the sermons, and where no collection is taken up.

So in our seats we sit and rock. It's all so quiet and so sw eet; There’s nothing there our nerves to shock, But sm iling faces each to greet. It’s nice to live in this new age; It’s nice church members here to be; Our pastor ne'er w ill be a sage But nothing hard to do have we.

The notices are duly read. The padded baskets take our pence; And nothing there is ever said In any w ay to give offence. And then the pastor takes a verse And peaceful sermon doth com ­ mence; , In soothing thoughts our souls Im­ merse; (H is discourse is but sweet pre­ ten ce!)

How sweet to know when Sunday Our ears w ill hear the chime o f bell. That calls us from our quiet homes. Where we In peace and com fort dwell. The rock in g chair awaits us there. The choir w ith low -toned v oices sing: No sound o f discord in. the air. As to and fro we gently swing.

who deny it and follow the deceiving apostates are described, and the treatment which is to be accorded to them prescribed, in 2 John 7, 10,11: “ For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. “ If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: “ For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker o f his deeds." THE SLEEPY SAINTS Not the “ sleeping” saints, mark you, for they are with the Lord; but the “ sleepy” saints are yet down here, and they are many. They are not looking for the Lord; not doing mush for the Lord or for a lost world; just self-satisfied, confident of going to heaven when they die; kindly, but not keenly sympathetic with those who are toiling while tarrying for the Lord; hoping for the best, but not doing their best, dozing in their rocking chairs while the daylight saints are busy saving souls and strengthening the saints. The church is full of them. They are good people. They believe what they hear from the pulpit. The pas­ tor’s lullaby is peaceful; the carols of the choir are comforting; they do with all their “ mite” what their hands find to do, and close their eyes in comfort, happy

“ For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, un­ thankful, unholy, ' “ Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good. “Traitors, heady, l.ighminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God ; . .. _ “ Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away," The apostasy is here! It is increasing at a rapid rate. What shall we do T Do what is commanded. The fight is on! Be loyal. Be unceasing in service. Seek to save the lost and thus hasten the coming of the One whom the clouds received out of the sight of the dis­ ciples and from which He shall come again with a shout; the voice of the archangel will be heard; the trumpet will sound; the dead in Christ will arise and we shall all be changed and caught up to meet the Lord,—and so shall we ever be with Him! The apostasy has a grip on many churches. Have no fellowship with it. Shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against it. Pity the poor, deceived people and pray that their eyes may be open to their peril and that they may take refuge under the wings of the anointed Christ. Lift up your voice and let your testimony ring out everywhere,—' ‘ Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh! The Bible is the inerrant Word of God!” Those


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March 1926

given in the power of the Holy Spirit. We need more of the surrendered life and yielded will to the indwell­ ing Spirit. If He has His way, the Gospel in its fulness will be given to a lost world. The curtain will be drawn and the fires of hell will be revealed in their true light. The fires of hell are as real as the glories of Heaven, and they must be as real to the preacher today as they were to Christ and the apostles, and to all of the mes­ sengers of God who have been able to awaken sleepy saints and dead sinners! The Word of God is a two-edged sword. It is sharp! It cuts deep! It opens eyes to see! It pierces hearts to feel! Essays bathed in the most faultless English, ornamented with classic poetry and illustrated with the paintings of the masters, may have an appeal to the sleepy saints, but will find no applause in the man­ sions of heaven. , “ Awake thou that sleepest! Arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light,” and when He gives light, He gives also life,—red-blooded, joyful, full- fledged, Holy Ghost life that will send you out into this poor, helpless world of sin with a love for the lost and a passion for souls that will keep you wide-awake as you journey to the Heavenly Home.

in the knowledge that they have.“ Religion,” and what more is neededf They express their sorrow for the people who do not go to church and have no eternal life insurance,—but they fail to ascertain why there are so many of them? The “ sleeping sickness” is nothing new in the church. Paul found it even in the early church and sought to awaken the Roman saints by a faithful admonition: "And that, knowing the time, that now It Is high time to awake out o f sleep" (Romans 13:11), And, again, to the Ephesians: “ Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light" (Eph. 5 :14 ). The day is far spent! The time' is going rapidly! What our hands find to do we should do quickly, for the night cometh when no man can work. What produces this sleeping sickness among the saintsT Who is responsible t The Pastor of the church. Is he not an under-shepherdt What is his businessT Is it not to “ reprove, rebuke, exhort,” and “ so much the more as we see the day approaching” t We need a few more old-fashioned messages) with fire and zeal in them. We need to hear the Gospel

4 1 ^ AIA. Àè ätt É i W hat Every Christian Knows Rev. Christopher G. Hazard, D. D., Catskill, New York A IA

We have been occupied in trying to see good in ourselves, as that young man did when he ran to Christ to find what good thing he might do to in­ herit eternal life. Like him, we have been sorrowfully disappointed in Chris­ tianity because we have sought it in our efforts and in self improvement. Occupied with things and others and self, we have forgotten to look at Jesus as He is set forth in the Bible as the great Sun of life and Source of all good. So He has been a long time with us, but we have failed to obtain that knowledge of Him which is life and the development of life. And thus our spiritual experience has been slight and weak. Let us, therefore, remember how that first gladness came and look more constantly and carefully upon the Sav­ iour. It is as we behold the glory of the Lord that we are changed into His likeness, from glory to glory, even by His Spirit. Let us brush away the dust of neglect, deny the cares and pleasures that would absorb our at­ tention, occupy our minds and hearts with the wonderful things that are said about our Saviour, and run with patience the race that is set before us; looking unto J obus , the Author and the Finisher of our faith and joy, our Leader to the heavenly country of our perfection.

for the first time we behold our bene­ factor with a new faculty— spiritual sight— we know one' thing, that, whereas we were blind to the spiritual world we have now seen it with the eye of faith. The eyes that were filled with darkness then become full of tears. We all know, too, that there was a blessing in that first sight of the Sav­ iour and that there is a blessing in con­ tinuing to look upon Him. Those were penitent tears and that was a lightgiving vision. There was a relief that blessed the soul with peace as our sins were forgiven and there was the dawning of new hope and purpose as we were quickened in spirit by the touch of Christ’s smile. We look back upon that first experience and wonder that we ever looked away from the source of so much joy. Why have we gone on so long in ignorance of the further things that Jesus has wished to tell us and with so little of the hap­ piness that always comes with gazing upon Him? Is it not because we have made the mistake of the misuse of sight? We have looked away from Jesus upon surrounding circumstances, as Peter looked upon the waves that threatened him upon the sea. We have looked at others, as those who wanted to stand well with people did in Christ’s day.

HEN Jesus gave sight to the man who was born blind, who had never seen anyone or anything, and when he saw

his Saviour in a new and beautiful world, they asked him about his good fortune. And when fhey continued to inquire in the matter he said that there were some things that he did not know, whereas he had been blind, sight had been given to him. In reading the rest of the story, we discovet that afterwards the Lord gave him spiritual sight, also. As he learned who Jesus really was, he believed on Him and knew that he was speaking to the Sav­ iour of his soul. There are many things that we are blind to, that we do not know; and this is true of us who have recovered both our physical and our spiritual sight. Christians are not all equally Informed. Some know more of Christ and His ways than others do. Christ is a wonderful and many-sided person, and few know Him very well, while most of us know Him but little. We can understand why there are so many Christian churches and denom­ inations when we remember that peo­ ple are of different educational ages and sizes. But there Is always a first sight of Christ that all believers get. In one sense we are all born blind, and when

March 1926

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God there I will soon be healed.’ We left the train with Joyful hearts. *‘A young college mgn, who in des­ pair was about to take his own life, was brought to the Saviour, finding joy and peace in Him. “ A convict in prison, under the in­ fluence of the Gospel, saw his lost and sinful condition, and with tears con­ fessed the killing of eight people; After he had found peace in Christ, he said, ‘though my body will be de­ stroyed, I am glad I found the Lord. "A Greek priest, accepting the Lord as his personal Saviour, began to wit­ ness to his deported flock the way of life. „ ' , “ A young Armenian girl, finding the Lord on her death-bed, urged her peo­ ple to come to Jesus. She persuaded two brothers and a sister, also her father and mother, to accept the Lord, There was joy in the home while she went to meet her Lord. “ A Syrophemcian woman, who had previously been indifferent, yielded her heart to the Lord and found peace. Would Rather Die Than Deny Christ "We have also with us a dear girl who lost all her folks in the war. She is very happy here. She was saved re­ cently and takes part in prayer.- Her father was a preacher and was killed by the Turks; the same happened -to her mother, who would rather die than deny Christ. Her little sister, three years old, was taken captive, and she does not know what became of her; whether they killed her, or if she is still alive. Please pray the Lord to put into the heart of someone to sup­ port this little girl as well as others.” On Thanksgiving Day twelve young people in the school were on their faces before God, asking forgiveness for their sins and surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. Mr. and Mrs. Atchinak are planning an extended tour of T&xas and the southwest during the next few months. The hosts of King’s Business read­ ers in that section should take advant­ age of this opportunity to hear the thrilling recital of incidents in con­ nection with their school and evangel­ istic work in that land of never ending interest to the child of God. Write promptly to 128 So. Boylston St., Los Angeles, Calif. Those who desire to have a share, through their prayers and gifts, in the land of our Saviour, where oppor­ tunities are so great and the results so important, may obtain further in­ formation either from the Bible Lands Gospel Mission, 113 Fulton Street, New York CHy, or the above address.

A Scrlnturc class In the Lebanon High School comprising descendants of the various nationalities representing Abraham. Timothy. Titus., Ignatius and the early Christians. _________ ___

A GOSPEL LIGHTHOUSE IN THE LAND OF OUR LORD HERE is a land dear to the heart of our Lord. In that- land He lay in a manger. In that land He worked as a The following Items of news from the field show what is being done by the Mission. Miss Fenderson, one of the faithful workers, writes:

In the Train Among Moslem Women “ We found a seat in a third class compartment filled with Mohammedan women. Our attention was especially drawn to one of them, a large woman, not overly clean, dressed in black, who held a cigarette in her fingers. We told her that it was bad for her health to smoke. To this she answered, 'It is good for my cough. Besides,’ she said/ 'it will help me to bear my sor­ rows. I have lost two sons.’ We pointed her to the One who ‘bore our sorrows and carried our griefs,’ and read to her the beautiful fourth chap­ ter of the Gospel of John, telling of the Water of Life which can satisfy the longing soul. Not only she, but all the others in the car were eagerly drinking in the message. As the light of God began to dawn on this woman, we could see the expression of her face change. Presently she threw away the cigarette and said: ‘I will never smoke again, but trust in Jesus.’ After having prayer with them, we gave the two who asked us each a Gospel, promising to pray for them. One of the women tucked hers care­ fully away under her waist, while the other put hers reverently o nher head. When we asked her why she put it there, she said she had a bad head­ ache, ‘and if I only put the Word of

carpenter. In that land, He mani­ fested the love of His great heart in sacrificial service. Children snuggled up close to His side. Sinners were saved through the preached Word. Sick and afflicted were healed and the dead raised. In that land He stretched upon the cross and died for a lost world. From that land He ascended Into the glory, add to (hat land He shall one day return, and His feet will stand upon the very spot from which He went away. This land is the "Bible Land.” Now in that land, the “ Bible Lands Gospel Mission," under the direction of Mr. and Mrs*. Vartan Atchinak, is car­ rying on the' delegated work command­ ed by our Lord among the millions there who are without the Gospel. Hundreds of people have been and are being reached with the “ Good News” so dear to all of us. Under the au­ spices of this Mission is conducted a High School and Bible Training Insti­ tute at Shweifat, Mount Lebanon, where for the past eighteen years, boys and girls and young people— Armen­ ians, Syrians, Egyptians, Greeks, etc. __And a home, and when graduated, they go out into the highways and by­ ways to live the life of love in behalf of sinners, and to testify to the truth and joy of the Gospel.


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March 1926

“Salt” or “ Leaven” ? f Dr. John Murdoch Maclnnis Dran of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles,. California

and she is Just waiting here for Him who is to take her to be with Himself. Jesus Christ knows what He is doing and He told the Father before He left here that He did not ask that the Church should be taken out of the world at present but that it might be kept from the evil that is in the world, and He must have had a very definite purpose for leaving the representatives of the Church from generation to gen­ eration in the world, and when that purpose is served He will undoubtedly take them to be with Himself. As long as we are in the will of Ood and attending to the work that He has given to us, our place is right here in the. world, and from these words we would gather Jesus Christ’s pur­ pose for leaving the Church in the world at the present time. It is the salt of the earth, and with all its faults and short­ comings no one can honestly study the history of the last two thousand years without recognizing l,he extent to which this is true; and, notwithstanding its shortcomings, if its influence were to be removed from our communities and nations today, men would speedily find what a tremen­ dously conserving power it is. Not only that but they would also discover that with all that is being said regarding its "obscurantism” and “ reac­ tionary tendencies,” this world would be a very dark and gloomy place apart from the light that it radiates through the grace and power of God. Hence the greatest oppor­ tunity open to any group of people in the world Is open to the Church through what it can be in the way of conserving influence, and the creator of new tastes and desires in the life of the world. This privilege is realized not through what we have to say, but through what the grace of God makes us. We are the salt and we are salt because of what we dre made by the grace of God. A Challenge to Onr Sense o f Responsibility This suggests our second thought, namely— that these words are a challenge to a sense of responsibility. God has entrusted to His own people the responsibility of being the conservers of the higher things and, the creator of the truer tastes through the living of the Christ life and win­ ning men to be His disciples and teaching them to observe the things that He has commanded. In other words, the health and the light of the world are practically entrusted by God to His own people. We often find fault with the conditions which prevail, and speak of the awful corrup­ tion and evil tendencies and muddled thinking of our day. We realize that the whole responsibility does not rest with the Church but on the other hand does not a large share of that responsibility rest with us? r If things are bad, is not some of the reason to be found in the fact that the Church, which is the salt, is losing its savor and is not living its life in the way that it should; and if the thinking of men is as darkened and muddled, as we say it is, is not a large part of the reason to be found in the

|NMatthew 5:13-20 we have one of the most chal- UnglngTîilèffiSBT! in all the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is a challenge to a sense of privilege and opportunity, to a sense of responsibility and sacred obligation, and, finally, to confidence and a radiant hope regarding the final issues of the Christian ideal. First, a challenge to privilege and opportunity. This challenge is marked by the two-fold declaration: “ Ye are the salt of the earth"; “ Ye are the light of the world." Nothing could seem more incongruous and impossible at the time the words were first uttered. They were spoken to a little group of humble and comparatively unknown men whose influence did not extend outside of the bounds of that little strip of land on 'the shores of the Mediterranean, yet Jesus Christ in all seriousness sdid to them, “ Ye are the salt of the earth," “ Ye are the light of the world," that is, "ye are the conserving, sweetening influence that is to keep the world from corrupting, and to give it a new flavor through the influence and power of a new life. Ye are the medium through which the light is to guide men in the midst of the gross darkness and materialism which enshrouds the think­ ing of the world,”— and, impossible as these words may seem, the historical fact is that they have been literally ful­ filled. That little group became the salt to conserve the highest things in the life of the world and it gave a new flavor to the life of histqry, and it has created desires for higher and truer things. All historians practically recognize that something hap­ pened in the creation of the Church that has fundamentally and vitally affected the life of the world in a constructive way. Not only that, but all genuine development in think­ ing and life since that day has followed the light of the Christian religion which was represented by that little group. In speaking to these men Jesus Christ marked the privilege and opportunity of the Church in all ages. The privilege of the people of Ood is to be the salt that conserves the highest things possible to life, and creates a new flavor and new desires for real and abiding things. It represents a power that recreates men so that they have new tastes which lead them to seek things which are con­ trary to the things followed after by the men and the women of the world. In order to do this, the salt must be put into the mass that it is to affect, and the light must be put where it may be seen of men; therefore Christ has placed the Church in the world in contact with its life and its interest in order that it may touch it and make disciples of all nations and teach through its life and witness all things whatsoever Jesus Christ has commanded. Someone has said in a little tract published some time ago, in speaking of the world being upside down, that “ the Church is out of place.” The writer of the tract contends that the place of the Church is in heaven with her Lord

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