King's Business - 1926-03

March 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


God there I will soon be healed.’ We left the train with Joyful hearts. *‘A young college mgn, who in des­ pair was about to take his own life, was brought to the Saviour, finding joy and peace in Him. “ A convict in prison, under the in­ fluence of the Gospel, saw his lost and sinful condition, and with tears con­ fessed the killing of eight people; After he had found peace in Christ, he said, ‘though my body will be de­ stroyed, I am glad I found the Lord. "A Greek priest, accepting the Lord as his personal Saviour, began to wit­ ness to his deported flock the way of life. „ ' , “ A young Armenian girl, finding the Lord on her death-bed, urged her peo­ ple to come to Jesus. She persuaded two brothers and a sister, also her father and mother, to accept the Lord, There was joy in the home while she went to meet her Lord. “ A Syrophemcian woman, who had previously been indifferent, yielded her heart to the Lord and found peace. Would Rather Die Than Deny Christ "We have also with us a dear girl who lost all her folks in the war. She is very happy here. She was saved re­ cently and takes part in prayer.- Her father was a preacher and was killed by the Turks; the same happened -to her mother, who would rather die than deny Christ. Her little sister, three years old, was taken captive, and she does not know what became of her; whether they killed her, or if she is still alive. Please pray the Lord to put into the heart of someone to sup­ port this little girl as well as others.” On Thanksgiving Day twelve young people in the school were on their faces before God, asking forgiveness for their sins and surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. Mr. and Mrs. Atchinak are planning an extended tour of T&xas and the southwest during the next few months. The hosts of King’s Business read­ ers in that section should take advant­ age of this opportunity to hear the thrilling recital of incidents in con­ nection with their school and evangel­ istic work in that land of never ending interest to the child of God. Write promptly to 128 So. Boylston St., Los Angeles, Calif. Those who desire to have a share, through their prayers and gifts, in the land of our Saviour, where oppor­ tunities are so great and the results so important, may obtain further in­ formation either from the Bible Lands Gospel Mission, 113 Fulton Street, New York CHy, or the above address.

A Scrlnturc class In the Lebanon High School comprising descendants of the various nationalities representing Abraham. Timothy. Titus., Ignatius and the early Christians. _________ ___

A GOSPEL LIGHTHOUSE IN THE LAND OF OUR LORD HERE is a land dear to the heart of our Lord. In that- land He lay in a manger. In that land He worked as a The following Items of news from the field show what is being done by the Mission. Miss Fenderson, one of the faithful workers, writes:

In the Train Among Moslem Women “ We found a seat in a third class compartment filled with Mohammedan women. Our attention was especially drawn to one of them, a large woman, not overly clean, dressed in black, who held a cigarette in her fingers. We told her that it was bad for her health to smoke. To this she answered, 'It is good for my cough. Besides,’ she said/ 'it will help me to bear my sor­ rows. I have lost two sons.’ We pointed her to the One who ‘bore our sorrows and carried our griefs,’ and read to her the beautiful fourth chap­ ter of the Gospel of John, telling of the Water of Life which can satisfy the longing soul. Not only she, but all the others in the car were eagerly drinking in the message. As the light of God began to dawn on this woman, we could see the expression of her face change. Presently she threw away the cigarette and said: ‘I will never smoke again, but trust in Jesus.’ After having prayer with them, we gave the two who asked us each a Gospel, promising to pray for them. One of the women tucked hers care­ fully away under her waist, while the other put hers reverently o nher head. When we asked her why she put it there, she said she had a bad head­ ache, ‘and if I only put the Word of

carpenter. In that land, He mani­ fested the love of His great heart in sacrificial service. Children snuggled up close to His side. Sinners were saved through the preached Word. Sick and afflicted were healed and the dead raised. In that land He stretched upon the cross and died for a lost world. From that land He ascended Into the glory, add to (hat land He shall one day return, and His feet will stand upon the very spot from which He went away. This land is the "Bible Land.” Now in that land, the “ Bible Lands Gospel Mission," under the direction of Mr. and Mrs*. Vartan Atchinak, is car­ rying on the' delegated work command­ ed by our Lord among the millions there who are without the Gospel. Hundreds of people have been and are being reached with the “ Good News” so dear to all of us. Under the au­ spices of this Mission is conducted a High School and Bible Training Insti­ tute at Shweifat, Mount Lebanon, where for the past eighteen years, boys and girls and young people— Armen­ ians, Syrians, Egyptians, Greeks, etc. __And a home, and when graduated, they go out into the highways and by­ ways to live the life of love in behalf of sinners, and to testify to the truth and joy of the Gospel.

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