King's Business - 1926-03

March 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Passion Week Sermons b y R ev. W a lter B. G reenw a y, D . D ., Paa- tor, Ph iladelph ia’ a L argest P reib y teria n C h u rch . In trod u ction b y R ev. C la re n ce E dw ard M acartney, D .D ., F orm er Prea- byterian M od era tor. T h e add ition o f hundreds to his ch u rch fo llow e d th e d e ­ livery o f these great Passion W e e k S er­ m on s,— stron g ly evan gelistic. Pastors w ill find innum erable suggestion s fo r sim ilar se rv ice s; oth ers grea tly stren gth ­ ened in their Spiritual lives. C O N TE N T S ! I. Palm Sunday— Jesus in T rium p h ; 2. M on day— Jesus in W o rs h ip ; 3. T u esd a y— Jesus in S e rv ice ; 4. W e d ­ nesday— Jesus in R etirem en t; 5 . T h u rs­ day— Jesus in C om m u n io n ; 6. G o o d F ri­ day— Jesus in A g o n y ; 7. Saturday— Jesus in T w o W o r ld i o r W h e re D oes the Soul G o A fte r D ea th ; 8. Easter— Jesus in L ife. C lo th 9 0 pages, o n ly $ 1 , p ostp a id . H . M . SHELLEY 5513 C. Larchwood Ave., Philadelphia« Pa. THE HARVEST TRULY IS PLENTEOUS In various parts of the world a Native Trained Christian m ay be supported in the work of Cod for an entire year for from $ 15 . to $600. Literature free. PAUL H. TA B ER , Sec., Box K , 2007 Foster Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y .

EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 141)_________

are giving out that old "love story” to the scores o f thousands who pass 421 South Main Street daily. The speaker does not always expect to see the im­ mediate and tangible results o f his pleading, but his unspeakable joy and Christ’s glory will be to hear many, many a radiant soul “ over there” come up to him and say: “ It was at Biola Hall I heard o f HIM and accepted HIM as my Sin Bearer, nay Lord and my King.” Praise God for the royal privi­ lege of witnessing there. “ F R O M S IN K IN G S A N D !” A friend came to us one day greatly exercised over the sad backslidden condition of a man who had professed Christ at the same time with himself. He had recently met this man on the street and, testifying to the joy and victory in his own life, was profoundly moved with the hopelessness and de­ spair written upon the other’s face. One had started out in his Christian life by openly confessing Christ, join­ ing a Bible Class and engaging in per­ sonal work; while the other had neglected all this, simply trusting to occasional meetings to fan the new life and, as might be expected, when’ the big temptation struck him, unpre­ pared and exposed, he speedily went down to defeat. Being a married man and the father of several sweet little tots, he lacked the moral courage to acknowledge his sin and sought to cover it, thus expos­ ing himself still further to the enemy’s snare. His downfall was rapid and deep. He seemed to have been given oyer to the power of the adversary. The time soon camé when his sin found him out. Had he been the only one involved, it would not have been so serious, but another home was wrecked and fo r a time it looked as though murder would be the outcome: It was in this frenzied state of mind that he encountered the man who had started out in the Christian life with him, and the whole wretched story came out. He was almost ready to take his own life. He had lost his position. His family was in deep need. It certainly was a tragic case. The unutterable despair written upon every line o f his face, the sheer hope­ lessness, depression and despondence, we realized could only be lifted through prevailing prayer, and grace “ much more” was required before he would open his heart to a third party. But this was finally accomplished, and when we were convinced that he truly believed in Christ and could not be shaken in his assurance, we poured out our hearts in his behalf and waited for the cry o f the penitent. Finally it came, and surely our God does regard the broken and the contrite heart! Together then we searched the to find the way back, for there must needs be open confession to all involved, the forsaking o f sin, and faith in God’s promise of forgive­ ness in 1 John 1:9. Although no joy

BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Supt.— Our City Mission for Men in the center of Los Angeles. Meetmgs con­ tinuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Noon-day Prayer Meeting. A T E S T IM O N Y IN the lobby of the Men’s Building, a young man step­ ped up to a worker and said, “ Do you remember me?” The worker did not. “ About a year and a half ago,” the young man said, “ you stood on the platform at Biola Hall. I was in that crowd that listened. Every word went home with a directness that hurt. It was the Word. I left with the ques­ tion of my salvation unsettled.. For two weeks I tried every means possi­ ble to obliterate what I had heard at Biola; I could not do It, and I had no rest nor peace until I got to' that ex­ tremity where 1 made an absolute sur­ render o f my soul to the Lord Je&us Christ. So here I am — a student at the Bible Institute.” Said the worker, “ Young man, you are just one o f the few hundreds I expect to hear such words from up there In the glory with Him.” What a mighty incentive it is to know that His Word shall not return to Him void! That young man is also in the way of becoming a “ fisher of men.” The worn platform of Biola Hall is still bearing up the feet of those who

Read the advertising pages carefully. Bach one has a dis­ tinct appeal to the varying n e e d s of King's Business readers.

The Supreme Test of Love Is set forth in a wonderful article by that great d e v o t i o n ^ writer, James H. McConkey, entitled, THE BLOOD COVENANT, appearing in the March Issue of THE CHRIST LIFE, OR THE W ORD OF THE CROSS A monthly magazine setting forth the life of victory in Christ— the Christ Life. HOWARD A. BANKS, Editor This magazine also contains spicy notes and practical helps,^ sound on the Fundamentals, on the Senior and Junior Christian Endeavor Topics, and abridged notes on the Sunday School Lessons. Price, $1.00 a year (Special prices when ordered in quantities) UNION GOSPEL PRESS, Box 680, CLEVELAND, OHIO

TRAINING SCHOOL FOR CHRISTIAN WORKERS (INTERDENOMINATIONAL) Prepares Young Women for Christian Leadership The course of instruction includes: Bible S tu ^ . Church History Christian M is­ sions. Psychology and Pedagogy, Organization ration. Pageantry. Thu Art of Story Tolling] Worship and Musio, Hygiene ana Health, Practical Experience in Church and Mission Work. Under the auspices of Woman's Branch, NEW YORK CITY MISSION SOCIETY Miss Elizabeth Billings, First Directress Mrs. A. F. Schauffler, Honorary Chairman of the Board of Managers Mrs. Stephen Baker, Chairman School Committee For further information address MISS CHARLOTTE A. PORTER, Doan 7 Grantercy Park, Now York City

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