gations they are taking on.
works closely with the Director of Finance who oversees Unipol’s finances, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of Unipol’s accounting records and financial systems. The Chief Executive recommends to the Board, from time to time, lines of accountability and responsibility in respect of payments made by Unipol and, in particular, who should be cheque signatories and the extent of authorisation by such signatories. Risk Management The Chief Executive is responsible for the risk management of the charity, ensuring that all pro - cedures, protocols and strategies are fully imple - mented to protect the charity and its assets. Governance The Company Secretary oversees the operational governance of the charity and fulfils this role, sub - ject to the provisions of the Companies Acts 1985, 1989 and 2006, and all duties therein in respect of the Company, Unipol Student Homes and Leeds Student Homes (currently dormant). In respect of this role, the Company Secretary reports directly to Unipol’s Board on matters of governance and propriety in accordance with governance policies. The Company Secretary role is accompanied by a number of important governance responsibilities and processes including: trustee and Committee member recruitment, induction and training, the review of trustees and board effectiveness. The Chief Executive is responsible for recom - mending changes and improvements to the governance and representative system and is also responsible for subsidiary governance structures established with partner organisations (including the Government) covering specific services or functions that the charity provides. The Chief Exec - utive also has an important role in recruiting new members to Unipol’s governance structures and recommending new appointments to the Board.
The Chief Executive sits ex officio, on all of Un - ipol’s committees and groups but specifically attends the Board (where company articles stipulate attendance), the Financial Affairs and Staffing Committee and the Portfolio Commit - tee. Attendance at other bodies is at the discre - tion of the Chief Executive or the direction of the Board. The Chief Executive will meet regularly, outside of formal meetings, with the Chair of the Board to provide a general overview of operations and development and to brief the Chair before important meetings. Similar meetings are held with the three Deputy Chairs as necessary. The Chief Executive’s performance is reviewed annually in a meeting of the Review and Remu - nerations Committee which the Chief Executive attends up to the point of consideration of their performance and remuneration. The Chief Executive may sit, and is generally encouraged, to sit on other groups, committees and boards subject to the approval of the Chair of the Board. General Duties The Chief Executive shall undertake occasional additional project related duties from time to time as required by the Chair of the Board. The Chief Executive will also undertake such general duties within Unipol as from time to time may be required and shall accept periodic revisions of this job specification where transfer - able skills are utilised.
Public Representation, Liaison and Policy Unipol works closely with its partner institutions but also has a large network of other rela - tionships with housing suppliers, student and higher education policy organisations and regulators. The Chief Executive is required to make a signif - icant number of representations to local and central government on matters of education and housing policy and to respond to a num - ber of public consultations, both solicited and unsolicited. Unipol has a close relationship with a number of government departments in respect of its mission to raise standards and influence the student housing sector for the better. The charity has a wide network of communi - cations through its websites, its social media channels and its training output but the Chief Executive is at the forefront of both representing the charity and promoting its values and poli - cies to others. The Chief Executive also coordinates policy development within the area of student hous - ing commissioning advice, expert opinion and research as necessary and disseminating outcomes from this. The Chief Executive, through this work on rep - resentation, liaison and policy, is key to main - taining and enhancing the reputation of the charity as a primary trusted source of expertise nationally. Finance The Chief Executive is responsible for main - taining a proper budgetary process, ensuring that robust planning and forecasting takes place and interpreting financial outcomes so that trustees understand the charity’s financial performance and likely future prognoses and
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