Staff Benefits
Further Information
Core Benefits
All staff have access to a wide range of benefits, from support and advice at work to discounts on shopping and leisure. These include: • 26 days paid holiday every year, and approximately 16 days off for bank holidays and days when the Univer - sity of Leeds is closed (de - pending on how many hours you work). • Generous maternity, paterni - ty and adoption leave. • Sickness benefits increasing with your length of employ - ment. • Participation in the staff review and development scheme. • Access to a range of policies promoting work-life balance
Benefits + is a collection of optional extras that are open to all staff. The variety of staff benefits ranges from subsidised transport and meals out, to pensions and special offers on shopping. • Lifestyle + gives special deals on health, fitness and shop - ping. • Pensions + offers a more effective way of paying into your existing pension scheme. • Childcare + saves you tax on childcare costs and gives you use of the University of Leeds’ own childcare centre. • Travel + helps you get to work
Every employee of the University of Leeds has access to a gener - ous occupational pension. We have three different pen - sion schemes covering different groups of staff. To find out more about staff pensions at the University of Leeds, including retirement benefits and addi - tional voluntary contributions visit: info/41/pensions/284/pensions_ at_leeds/2. All schemes provide valuable benefits on retirement, as well as life assurance and protection for your family.
Unipol’s members are made up of five institutions: Leeds Beckett University, the University of Leeds, Leeds Beckett University Students’ Union, Leeds University Union and Bradford College. The Board has thirteen members appointed by the five member institutions and provision for five co-opted trustees/Directors. There are four Officers of the Board: the Chair, Deputy Chair (Partner - ships), Deputy Chair (Portfolio and Treasurer). Board Meetings are held periodically (normally between four and five meetings a year) so that Directors can discharge their responsi - bility. For more information, visit
and back, and also gives some discount on personal travel.
Bright Beginnings Childcare Centre
Work-Life Balance
We aim to be a 'best practice' employer. We understand our employment policies need to be flexible and responsive to promote diversity and equality, and to attract and retain the highest quality work force. We not only fully embrace the Employment Act, which gives government regulations on paterni - ty, adoption and statutory maternity leave, but we go beyond the statutory requirements to help all staff balance the demands of work and per - sonal life. To find out more about flexible working hours, job sharing and many other schemes to help you achieve a healthy balance, vist: https:// .
The University of Leeds has its own award-win - ning childcare centre, Bright Beginnings, which provides high-quality childcare to staff members and students. The centre caters for children aged between three months and five years and provides a Play - scheme during the school holidays for children aged three to 11. To find out more about Bright Beginnings, visit: https://brightbeginningschild -
All those working in Unipol are jointly employed by Unipol Student Homes and the University of Leeds and are employed on University of Leeds terms and conditions.
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