Chief Executive - Unipol

The Role

student bed spaces.

General Information

• Unipol runs three ‘Housing Hubs’ providing a forum in which owners (including Unipol) can advertise their properties. Although owners are asked to pay a fee for Unipol's services, the ‘Housing Hubs’ are partially funded by the institutions listed above. Unipol's web - sites centralise many private sector vacan - cies, and are a major source of information and advice for students, receiving around 100 million hits a year. • Through their training arm, ‘Unipol Train - ing’, Unipol is a leading national trainer in the niche market of student accommoda - tion, running a full annual programme. The training arm also undertakes some bespoke in-house training and a number of briefings for different constituencies. Unipol has in- house training facilities in both Nottingham and Leeds. Unipol is currently following their ‘Forward Look (2023-2026)’ approach, which is designed to maintain its financial stability, to take up the opportunities it has, grow and widen its impact in its portfolio areas and exert greater influence in the formation of student housing policies and standards. A copy of this can be found here.

Unipol is a housing charity established in 1973 by the University of Leeds and the then Polytechnic in Leeds in co-operation with their Students’ Unions. In 1997, Unipol became an incorporated charitable company with a board structure.

Unipol fulfils four distinct, but connected, roles:

• Unipol has its own ‘Housing Section’ which develops, takes into ownership and man - ages refurbished properties and lets them directly to students. Unipol is currently re - sponsible for housing around 3,000 stu - dents (including over 210 student families) with 2,250 located in Leeds, 645 students in Nottingham and 59 students in Bradford. • Unipol runs a number of successful voluntary accreditation schemes for owners letting to students, covering 79% of student hous - ing in Leeds, 65% in Nottingham and 99% in Bradford. These schemes are designed to improve and maintain property and management standards. In Leeds, Unipol runs the Leeds Rental Standard for the City Council, and in Nottingham, Unipol and DASH (Decent and Safe Homes) jointly run the Nottingham Standard. Unipol also has a stake in two government approved codes of practice dealing with larger student de - velopments in the United Kingdom. Unipol currently accredits an estimated 392,000

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