Unipol is Organised into Six Operational Areas:
3. Nottingham Housing Service In Nottingham the housing service is overseen by a Nottingham Housing Team Leader, with a Senior Housing Management Officer supported by a Housing Management Officer, two part- time Housing Hub Assistants and four Residents’ Assistants. 4. Communications and Technical Services The organisation has a Communications and Technical Services arm that is led by the Assis - tant Chief Executive (Communications and IT). Marketing and communications, in respect of brand, lettings, outreach and Residence Life, falls within this team and is undertaken by the Marketing and Engagement Coordinator, the User Experience Marketing Coordinator and the Student User Experience Coordinator together with a part-time Design Officer. The IT team is overseen by an IT Manager with an Applications Developer and a Senior IT Of - ficer to ensure that the organisation maintains its high-quality IT and web services.
5. The Standards Team is headed by the Assistant Chief Executive (Standards) who oversees all accreditation and tribunal systems. This team consists of the National Codes Administrator, the National Codes Coordinator, the Unipol Codes Adminis - trator and the Complaints and Code Investiga - tor. The conferences and training arm also fits within this area. 6. The Finance Team is headed by the Director of Finance and consists of a Finance Manager, an Assistant Finance Manager, two Senior Finance Officers, a Utilities Officer, a Utilities and Sustainability Coordinator, a Rent Collection Officer, two Finance Assistants and one part-time Finance Clerk, supplemented by consultants for project work from time to time.
The Housing team is overseen by the Assistant Chief Executive (Housing) and consists of the Housing Manager (Logistics and Compliance) and the Housing Manager (Operations). In Leeds, Bradford and Nottingham, day-to-day housing management is carried out by three housing management teams, two of which have an assistant to assist them in administra - tive matters supported by a number of other housing management staff. Within the Leeds and Bradford housing opera - tion, there are two Team Leaders, three Senior Housing Management Officers, two Housing Management Officers, a Maintenance Assistant and the teams are supplemented by Residents’ Assistants (currently 18), a part-time Lettings Assistant, a part-time Housing Management Assistant and a number of part-time Housing Assistants over the summer (normally seven who are overseen by one of the Team Leaders) and throughout the year.
1. The Senior Management Team consists of the Chief Executive, the Deputy Chief Executive, the Director of Finance, the Assistant Chief Executive (Standards and Company Sec - retary), the Assistant Chief Executive (Commu - nications and IT), the Assistant Chief Executive (Housing), the Assistant Chief Executive (Hub Services) and the Assistant Chief Executive (De - velopment). Two Tenancy Support and Wellbeing Officers, whose responsibilities are cross-organisation, report directly to the Deputy Chief Executive. The Chief Executive and the Deputy Chief Executive are supported by the Office Administrator. 2. Housing Services and the Housing Hub is an integrated service and the staff teams operate together. Certain Housing Hub opera - tions are overseen by the Assistant Chief Exec - utive (Hub Services) and they are assisted by a number of Housing Hub Assistants and a Hous - ing Hub Advisor.
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