King's Business - 1953-07

Church of the Month

Ph o to s hy B oh Lynda First Presbyterian, Berkeley

city and a church started life together in 1878. The First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley was organized that year and one day later the city of Berkeley, Calif, was incorporated. There were 15 charter members in the church then and today there is a membership o'f 2,052. Dr. Robert Boyd Munger is pastor of the church. Under his leader­ ship a radio ministry was launched and the morning service has been broadcast every Sunday for six years. At­ tendance at Sunday morning services has increased seating capacity and last February two identical services were started. Also six young people have entered full-time Chris­ tian service during Munger’s pastorate, and to this should be added 56 men and women who are at present train­ ing at Bible school, seminary and medical school. The church believes in spreading missions through its gifts and from 1902 to 1952 they have given an ag­ gregate total of $641,385 for both home and foreign missions. Through this budget they are sharing in the support of 57 missionaries in all parts of the world. This spring the church dedicated a missionary edu­ cational unit. By visual aids and personal counseling they are endeavoring to educate their membership in Christian missions today. This unit will also be the home

base for furloughing missionaries and headquarters of the church’s missions department. After graduation from Princeton Theological Semi­ nary, Dr. Munger served nine years as pastor of the South Hollywood Presbyterian church. In 1945 he came to Berkeley. His ministry is characterized by a strong evangelical emphasis, and he is a popular conference speaker, radio preacher and Christian writer (see page six of this issue.)

This is newly constructed educational unit; church in background.

Edwards Photo

Located just a few blocks from campus of University of California, church is noted for its large collegiate and young business groups.

Dr. Munger with his wife and two daughters (left). On either side of Dr. Munger (above) are assistants Paul Bobb, Carl Thomas. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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