King's Business - 1953-07

churches where this prayer is repeated each Sunday, many of the people say it without even thinking of the meaning of the words. Merely repeating these words is not praying. Real prayer is talking with God, just as you would talk with friends of yours. Although we come to God in a reverent manner, we can freely talk with Him about each joy, each sor­ row, each problem that we have. We can tell Him things that we cannot share with anyone else. Boys and girls who merely say the words of a prayer which they have memorized are not praying. It is best not to memorize a table bless­ ing, a bed-time prayer, or a “ thank-you” prayer. God is pleased when His chil­ dren talk with Him in their own words — that is real prayer! By studying “ The Lord’s Prayer” Christians can learn the things which they should include in their prayers. They should tell God how they love Him, thank Him for His blessings, ask for forgiveness of their sins, and pray about their needs. Always their prayer should be in the name of the Lord Jesus — a prayer that will be well-pleasing to Him. If you do not know how to pray, your first prayer should be, “ Lord, teach me how to pray.” Aug. 30, 1953 Standards for Christian Leaders 1 Tim. 4:6-16 Pointers on the Lesson This week’s lesson deals with godliness in the believer’s life. The application is especially to ministers of the gospel. Paul was writing to young Timothy who was pastor of the church at Ephesus. Verse 6 of the chapter of our lesson says, “ If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good min­ ister of Jesus Christ.” Thus this passage before us has a definite and primary ref­ erence to those who stand behind the sa­ cred desk. But there is a sense in which all Christians are m inisters of Christ, for the word minister simply means servant. And surely every believer ought to be a servant of the Lord. Therefore, let us all take these words to heart. Shun Unsound Doctrine w . 7, 8 The “profane and old wives’ fables” to be shunned a»e those beliefs which are opposed to the truth of God. They are such ideas as may be imagined by igno­ rant old women devoid of .spiritual dis­ cernment Note how many isms today have been led by women — think in this connection of Madame Blavatsky and Mrs. Annie Besant (Theosophy), of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science), of Mrs. Ellen G. White (Seventh-Day Advent­ ism), and of Mrs. Myrtle Fillmore (Unity) to mention just a few. Instead of paying any attention to the doctrines of such as these, the servants of God need to give attention to the pure Word of God. In verse 8 the Apostle is not meaning to disparage the value of bodily exercise. What he is saying is that even as bodily exercise is profitable for the little time we remain in this life, soul exercise will profit for eternity. CONTINUED ►

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worship the place and importance of prayer needs to be emphasized. It would be well if those who are charged with the responsibility of directing public wor­ ship would give more consideration to the content of their prayers. In this exhortation ther8 are four types of prayer set forth: (1) Prayers. This word refers to prayer in general, any kind of approach to God to present those things which are upon our hearts. (2) Supplications. This is a more intense word and suggests the presentation to God of matters of deep concern. (3) Interces­ sions. This word suggests prayer on be­ half of others. Our Lord “ ever liveth to make intercession for . . . [u s]’’ (Heb. 7:25). (4) Thanksgiving. Included in all our praying there should be the element of gratitude. Compare Philippians 4:6 and note the phrase “with thanksgiving” in connection with the exhortation to prayer. In Second Timothy 3:2 ingrati­ tude is connected with unholiness. Note the scope of prayer in this passage. It is to include “ all men.” Paul parti­ cularizes a bit and says that prayer should include kings and all who are in places of authority over men’s lives. A Declaration Regarding Prayer 1 Tim. 2:3-8 God wants His children to pray for all men because it is His desire that they should be saved (v. 4). God has pro­ vided one mediator between God and men, even the Ransom, Christ Jesus. God is not willing that any should perish. He provided a ransom for all (v. 6). And it is a wrong idea that some appear to have that God is not concerned about some souls because they are not among the elect. “ God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever be- lieveth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). To Martin Luther this verse was like a miniature Bible. It contains the thought of God concerning the lost everywhere. The only reason men are lost is because they will not come to Christ (John 5:40). Paul had been ordained of God to be a witness to these things everywhere he went (v. 8). The Holy Spirit and Prayer Rom. 8:26-28 The believer has a , constant Helper within him who helps him in his prayer life. The Holy Spirit knows what we need to pray for far better than we do and so as we yield ourselves to His lead­ ing “ the Spirit . . . [himself, not itself ] maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” God, the searcher of hearts, understands the mean­ ing of these groanings and answers them according to His will. Helps for the Children teaming How to Pray Matt. 6:7-13; 1 Tim. 2:1-8 Memory Verse: "A fter this manner, there­ fore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Matt. 6:9, 10). The disciples of the Lord Jesus one day asked Him to teach them to pray. The Saviour gave to them what we call “ The Lord’s Prayer.” Many people today be­ lieve that if they merely say the words of this prayer they are praying. In

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