King's Business - 1953-07

S U N D A Y S C H O O L continued Labor and Suffer for Christ vv. 9, 10 We have another “ faithful saying” in this section. (Compare 1:15.) The one be­ fore us concerns believers. The former one mainly concerned unsaved sinners. Paul suggests that because we belong to Christ, we ought to count it a real privi­ lege to labor and suffer for Christ. The Lord takes care of His own and He will not allow them to be tested beyond their ability to bear (1 Cor. 10:13). God cares for all men. He is the potential Saviour of every man, but He is the effective Sav­ iour of those who receive the salvation He has provided in Christ. If God has such a care even for the unbelieving world, we can rest assured that He will manifest a special care for the redeemed. Be a Good Example w . 11, 12 The young man Timothy was exhorted to be faithful in commanding and teaching the things he had just spoken of and he was not to allow the fact of his “ youth” to discourage him. A person ought to live faithfully whether young or old. Age makes no difference in this matter. Doubt­ less Paul meant that Timothy was to live so far above reproach that there would not be any room for criticism. Some think that the thought of Paul was that Tim­ othy was not to let his youth cause him to have an inferiority complex. Maybe both ideas are to be found here. If one or the other must be chosen, the writer chooses the former interpretation. Take Heed Unto Thyself vv. 13-16 There follows a series of exhortations which the Christian servant ought care­ fully to heed. He should not “neglect the gift” that God had bestowed upon him. In Timothy’s case it may have been the STILL TIME TO REGISTER FOR FALL SEMESTER ON NEW SHELTON COLLEGE CAMPUS Shelton College has now moved to their new 1187 acre country estate, Skylands. When the college opens in September students will have the added advantage o f an enlarged liberal arts program. All students will be given a special Charter Member Certificate to signify that they attended the first semester on the new campus, which is about one hour’s drive from New York City. Dr. J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., President, announced that Fall registrations would be accepted up to August 31st. Fall '53 Students to Receive Charter Member Certificate

pastoral gift. Each believer must find out what his gift is and develop it. Helps for the Children Learning to Work for God 2 Tim. 3:14-17; 1 Tim. 4:6-16 Memory Verse: "W e are labourers [work­ ers] together with God" (1 Cor. 3:9). Some o f you Christian boys and girls are praying that God will use you as a missionary or a minister or a Sunday school teacher when you are older. If you are faithful in learning God’s Word and in learning to work for God while you are young God can do greater things with your life when you are older. Young Timothy had been taught the Bible in his home from the time that he was a small child. When Paul wrote a letter to Timothy he reminded Timothy that both his mother and his grandmother had taught him God’s Word when he was a child. These early teachings had helped to prepare Timothy for the great work which God had for him to do when he became a man. In another letter to Timothy, Paul told him to “ be an exam­ ple of the believers in word, in conver­ sation [manner of life], in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (1 Tim. 4:12). No Christian can be an example in all of these things by merely deciding to be an example. Only the Lord Jesus can cause the life of a Christian to honor Him in every way. Check this list of things in which Timothy was told to be an example. If there is any one of these in which your life has not honored your Lord and been an example and a testimony to others, remember that you “ can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me.” end . YOUNG PEOPLE from 42 is in the world on a wider scale. W e may not know at present the various functions

of the billions of stars in the heavens, but the Lord has need for every one, and some day we will know how im­ portant in the universal scheme of things is everything that God has made. But as we think of the wisdom of God in His creation let us move one step farther along the way in our investiga­ tion to consider the wisdom of His plan of redemption. Who but God could have possibly conceived the way of the Cross? Who but God could work out a scheme whereby He could justify the sinner and still be just? Who but God could take the sinner’s place and wipe out his guilt and remove the burden of his sins? When these great truths grip the heart we do as Job does in 42:1-6—we humble our­ selves under the mighty love and wisdom of God. Nature Opens Windows on the God of Love Genesis tells us that the last work of creation was the creation of man, and this is true because God made the world for man. God placed man whom He had made in a perfect environment, beautiful for situation, and perfectly ade­ quate for every need of man. This all speaks of the love of God. Everywhere and in all things we see the love of God. The only blot on the entire picture is the sin of man, his re­ bellion and stubborn opposition to God and His Word and will. But if the entire universe speaks of the love of God how much more the Cross. It is at Calvary that the love of God shines the brightest (John 3:16; Rom. 5: 1-11; Rom. 8:32, etc.). Think with your group on the love of God in Christ and see if this great truth does not humble you and draw out from your own heart love for God in response to His great love for you. end .

Plan now to attend

Shelton College SHELTON COLLEGE offers you an education based upon the American Way of Life and founded upon the Bible as the infallible Word of God. Our new location will be Ringwoodboro, New Jersey, where a magnificent new campus in the Ramapo Mountains will be ready for use in September.

Each student who enrolls in the Sep­ tember ’53 semester w ill r e c e iv e a Charter M em ber Certificate

▼ Shelton College Skylands RINGWOOD BOROUGH New Jersey Dr. J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., President Training Christian Warriors for the Twentieth Century Reformation Sendfor your cata­ log today for regis­ tration information

The completely furnished mansion of 44 rooms will serve as Shelton College's Administration building.



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