GOAL II Align the key systems in the district to support the student acquisition of the Global Learning Competencies through the implementation of the Definition of Deep Learning.
Strategy 1
Create systems for the measurement and evaluation of the district’s global learning competencies.
A. Integrate global learning competencies in all curriculum units.
Years 1 - 5
B. Integrate language of the GLCs in district guiding documents.
Years 1 - 3
C. Create a student success planning process that offers a multimedia portfolio of student learning (PK-12). D. Develop and revise BOE policies and district procedures reflecting language associated with guiding documents.
Years 4 - 5
Years 1 - 5
There is a common language and shared understanding related to the meaning and intent of the GLCs and DODL. Curriculum, assessment, and instruction are each designed with GLCs as the guiding principles. There is evidence of student learning with clear connections to the GLCs.
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