GOAL II Align the key systems in the district to support the student acquisition of the Global Learning Competencies through the implementation of the Definition of Deep Learning.
Strategy 3
Develop robust systems for recruiting, retention and staff support.
A. Create, adopt and adhere to written procedures supporting recruitment and retention of highly qualified personnel. B. Institute a new teacher academy to provide support for early-career professionals. C. Establish a teacher leadership academy to enhance the capacity of established staff. D. Participate in State and local professional learning to support district workforce diversification.
Years 1 - 5
Year 2
Years 2 - 3
Years 1 - 5
Professional growth and support processes are designed and implemented to develop and deepen capacity for the DODL. Written processes in place and accessible. Established support and leadership opportunities for new and veteran staff. Increased presence in district participation and leadership of professional development across the State.
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