BPS Strategic Plan


MISSION Our purpose

The Branford Public School’s community is committed to developing life-long learners who are capable and confident, who contribute to their community, and who succeed in a changing global society.

VISION Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow

What we hope for students

CORE VALUES What adults embody to bring the mission and vision to life Educators in the Branford Learning Community embody a growth mindset, a belief that one’s capabilities and intellect can be enhanced through persistent effort, high- quality instruction and building students’ belief in their own capacity to achieve. Embodied in a culture of continuous improvement, there is clear commitment to ongoing enhancement of processes, products and pedagogy to meet the needs of all learners. As reflective practitioners, teachers, administrators and support staff learn from their experiences and adjust for improvement. Together, these core values create an environment where innovation flourishes, resilience is cultivated and individuals are relentless in their aspiration toward higher levels of excellence.


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