other while focusing on this impor- tant project. Building The Links was as much of a pain as it was a pleasure – it’s a challenge when a course is turned into a construction site. But Gary ensured it was a joy to tackle these challenges.” Sabine says the positive impact of Fancourt on the George community was a pleasant surprise: “All of a sud- den, the sleepy town started blooming. Of course the local business and tour- ism climate has changed exponentially
“We invested in Fancourt when many people fled the country,” recalled Sa- bine Plattner. “Some thought we were crazy, but this proved not to be the case. The moment we arrived in George, we felt this was a place to invest in. “First up was the construction of thatched-roof houses. Then, Hasso and Gary Player started developing The Links. It was a joy to watch the two of them walking and planning, talking nonstop, being so charming to each
Fancourt has celebrated 30 years of its ownership by the Plattner family. Hasso and Sa-
bine Plattner acquired the fledgling re- sort in April 1994 when it had 27 holes, transforming it into one of the world’s leading resorts, winner of numerous in- ternational awards. Next summer there will be 63 holes on the property. This milestone anniversary is shared with South Africa’s democracy, which presented unique issues at the time.
MAY 2024
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