by Robert Syfert, InvestorPO
F rom food stamps to millions… We all have a story. A history of life’s highs and lows. No matter our unique qualities and differences, we all share these similar threads with each other. These similarities allow us to see ourselves in others. It’s what makes sharing our life’s story and testimony a powerful tool for connecting, understanding, and motivating people. This is my story. As a senior in high school I learned about real estate investing through an infomercial. It was the spark that fanned a 20-year flame of my searching, learning, and dreaming about real estate. I was infatuated with it and would spend my free time learning about it through books, online courses, and seminars. But something was always holding me back from tak- ing action. And by “something,” I mean mostly me. For two decades I allowed my fear of failure, and not feeling like I was in the “right place,” to hold me back from going all in. I remained stuck in a stalemate of my own making, always procrastinating. Never taking action. Over those two decades my life was a rollercoaster of ups and downs. When I was headed up, things were great. But when I was headed downwards at full speed, life was painful, humiliating, and humbling. You might see me now and think I have it all together. It’s easy to see the multi-million-dollar businesses, and my successful career in real estate investing and as the founder of InvestorPO. But what you don’t see is how many times I hit rock bottom before I finally went all in. WHO AM I?
It took me losing everything three times, feeling utterly helpless while my spouse faced life threatening health challenges. It took tons of medical bills stacking up, debt collectors hot on our heels, us requiring Med- icaid and food stamps to get by, and an eviction notice before I was stressed and fed up enough to finally take massive action. And once I went all in, I learned more from the failures I made in that first year of taking action, than I did from 20-years of learning and preparing! While some people hide their failures and inadequa- cies, I’ve made myself a promise to share mine because I’ve scaled this crazy mountain and have fallen down a few cliffs. But I survived and I’m not stopping until I hit the highest peak. If I can get here, so can you. If something’s holding you back from taking massive action to make your dreams happen, move it! Don’t spend 20 years waiting to go from food stamps to a mil- lion-dollar business. This is why I created InvestorPO, so you have the same tools and processes I use every day in my business. Make it happen today! Right now! You can get to where I’m at today. How do I know?
Who am I? I Am You. •
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