Émard restera en prison CHANTAL QUIRION chantal.quirion@eap.on.ca
collier pour le prochain mandat. Il en va de même pour leurs confrères, Martial Levac pour Casselman et La Nation, Jean Lemay pour Clarence-Rockland, François Bazinet pour Dundas Nord, Stormont Nord et Rus- sell, Michel Pilon pour Cornwall, ainsi que Jonathan De Serres pour Glengarry Sud et Nord, Stormont Sud et Dundas Sud. Le scénario était semblable au Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario (CEPEO) pour les districts qui touchent l’Est ontarien, sauf pour Cornwall où il y a eu campagne. Au terme du scrutin, la conseil- lère sortante, Lise Benoit-Léger, a été réélue octobre, au palais de justice de Salaberry- de-Valleyfield, pour la poursuite de son enquête sur cautionnement, Jean-Fran- çois Émard est revenu sur son plaidoyer de non-culpabilité. Ainsi, l’homme a admis sa responsabilité pour les chefs de possession de méthamphétamine (490 comprimés) dans le but d’en faire le trafic, de port illé- gal d’arme, de possession d’argent obtenu par le biais d’activités criminelles ainsi que
l’emportant sur les candidats Jean Bédard et Jules Bourdon. Pour le comté de Prescott, Gilles Fournier a été reconduit dans ses fonctions, élu par acclamation. M. Fournier est responsable des municipalités de Hawkesbury, Hawkes- bury Est, Champlain et Alfred-Plantagenet. Pour la région de Russell, Clarence- Rockland, Casselman et La Nation, un nouveau visage arrive dans le paysage scolaire. John Keough a été élu par accla- mation et succède à Guylain Laflèche. On se souviendra, cependant, que deux autres candidats s’étaient mani- In the UCDSB, Bill MacPherson retains the Ward 2 trustee seat, John McAllister for Ward 4, Jeremy Armer for Ward 7, and Car- oll Carkner for Ward 10, which comprises Prescott-Russell. David McDonald defeated his challenger Kevin Brisson for the Ward 8 seat representing the City of Cornwall. Lisa Swan was returned to her Ward 6 seat for Edwardsburgh-Cardinal, Prescott, and North Grenville Township. Jeff McMillan retains the Ward 5 seat for Brockville and Augusta, Susan Richards for Ward 3, repre- senting Merrickville-Wolford, Rideau Lakes Township, Smiths Falls, andWestport. New UCDSB trustees include Donald Cram for Ward 1 as incumbent Anne McRae chose not to run. He will represent Missis- sippi Mills, Beckwith Township, and Car- de possession de cannabis. Le juge Michel Mercier a condamné le prévenu à 14 mois et trois jours d’incarcération pour les trois premiers chefs, auxquels il a ajouté une peine d’un mois consécutif pour la posses- sion de cannabis. Rappelons que Jean-François Émard avait été arrêté dans la soirée du 5 oc- tobre, dans le cadre d’une patrouille régu- lière effectuée par les policiers de la MRC cil that the counties go ahead with cre- ation of the reserve fund in case there is a surplus at the end of the year in the 2014 budget allocation for the social housing program. Further details on how the fund would operate would be included in the final policy guidelines. Meanwhile, the social services depart- ment is having to rework some of the operating guidelines for the domiciliary housing program to try and either avoid or reduce a possible deficit at the end of the 2014 operations year. The depart- ment’s report to the social services com- mittee noted that a review of the Septem- ber financial summary for the program, along with calculation of new information on funding from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, indicate a possible deficit of $300,000 for the program if the counties maintains the current number of subsidized residents covered at 500.
festés dans cette course, mais que leur candidature avait été rejetée, jugée non conforme par la greffière de Clarence- Rockland, Monique Ouellet. L’un deux, Marc Bissonnette, compte d’ailleurs in- tenter une poursuite contre la Cité de Clarence-Rockland puisque, selon la Loi sur l’éducation, il remplissait les exigences du poste. Il occupait le poste de conseiller pour le secteur 2 du CEPEO depuis 17 ans et avait décidé de poser sa candidature pour le secteur 5 après que son homologue, Guy- lain Laflèche, lui ait annoncé son intention de se retirer. de Beauharnois-Salaberry, à Salaberry- de-Valleyfield. M. Émard était alors passa- ger du véhicule intercepté pour infraction au code de la sécurité routière. La fouille du véhicule avait, par la suite, conduit à ces accusations. La conductrice qui a elle aussi été accusée des trois premiers chefs et de bris de condition, a pour sa part été condamnée à cinq mois d’emprisonne- ment avec sursis. An earlier report from the department recommended capping the number of subsidized residents under the program at 485 to reduce or prevent a possible deficit in the program budget. But chang- es to the ministry’s financial aid for social housing programs in municipalities and counties indicate that the UCPR may re- ceive another $173,493 to the domiciliary hostels program. Now the department has suggested capping the subsidized residents number at 490 instead. Counties council also accepted a de- partment recommendation to maintain the per diem subsidy to domiciliary hos- tel operators at $50 per resident client. The group representing hostel operators had asked that the per diem increase to $52 but the social services department recommendation is aimed at reducing the chance of an end-of-year deficit in the program. In the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO), Ron Eamer and Todd Lalonde retained their seats for Corn- wall and Glengarry County by acclamation. Also winning by acclamation were Brent La- ton for Grenville County and Elizabeth-Kitley Township and Nancy Kirby for Lanark County. Incumbent Sue Wilson defeated challenger Rick Gervais to retain the Prescott-Russell trustee seat. Incumbent Karen E. McAllister is also reported to have retained her seat for Dundas-Stormont, defeating challenger Michael J. Dunne. Final confirmation of that seat result is still pending. leton Place. Wendy MacPherson defeated incumbent Art Buckland for theWard 9 seat for the townships of North and South Glen- garry and South Stormont.
VALLEYFIEL | Le présumé chef des Rock Machines, Jean-François Émard, un rési- dent de Hawkesbury, a été condamné à 15 mois de prison. Alors qu’il était de retour en cour, le 23
CHANTAL QUIRION CHANTAL.QUIRION@EAP.ON.CA Peu de changements aux conseils scolaires
S’il n’y a pas eu de suspense, il a toutefois été question de réjouissances au Conseil de district catholique de l’Est ontarien (CSDCEO), lors des élections scolaires, lundi, alors que l’on savait d’ores et déjà que tous les conseillers étaient réélus par acclamation. Ainsi, Roger Chartrand pour Alfred-Plan- tagenet, André-Paul Lalonde pour Hawkes- bury et Sergine Rachelle Bouchard pour Champlain et Hawkesbury Est reprennent le Counties okay RiverFest funding Counties staff are busy working on next year’s budget for the next council of mayors to approve early in 2015 after all the municipal election dust settles from this month’s voting. But the old coun- ties council had to approve inclusion of at least one expense item in next year’s budget this year. Organizers of the an- nual Ottawa River Festival are ready to sign an agreement with Power Boating Canada for hosting the popular High-Per- formance Poker Run rally of powerboats round-trip between Hawkesbury and Rockland. The agreement depends on the RiverFest committee having $20,000 se- cured towards operating expenses for the rally. During their Oct. 22 regular session in L’Orignal, counties council members approved a resolution to confirm $20,000 in the 2015 budget for the Ottawa River Festival committee.
Acclamations rule in school elections GREGG CHAMBERLAIN GREGG.CHAMBERLAIN@EAP.ON.CA
Final confirmation of Election Monday results for one contested seat in the En- glish-speaking school districts was not available by Tuesday press deadline. But many of the trustee positions for both the public and Catholic districts in Eastern Ontario were decided without the need of a vote. In the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) four trustees did not have to worry about campaigning to retain seats as they won by acclamation when no rival candidates appeared by the Sept. 12 nomi- nation deadline.
Counties reworks social housing aid GREGG CHAMBERLAIN GREGG.CHAMBERLAIN@EAP.ON.CA
L’ORIGNAL | Thanks to changes at the pro- vincial level, staff at the counties office are reworking, revising, and revamping the social housing aid guidelines for Prescot-Russell again. Earlier this past summer the social ser- vices department presented the United Counties of Prescott-Russell council (UCPR) with a report about the creation of a special reserve fund for the domiciliary hostels program that the counties oper- ates. The fund would serve as a holding source for any end-of-the-year surpluses in the program. The reserve could then provide aid to subsidized housing sites for needed improvements or other pur- poses. The social services committee has rec- ommended in its October report to coun-
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