Express_2014_10_31 them familiar to local voters from before. Simon Rozon returns to council after a 20-year absence, joining newcomers Sté- phanie Houle and Karina Sauvé. Incumbent councillor Luc Lalonde lost his seat. Richard Sauvé retained his position as assistant mayor, beating challenger Allen G. Dandy by 300 votes. Triumphant return of Mayor Jeanne Charlebois  gŏđŏ Hawkesbury townships, both incumbent mayors were acclaimed after the Sept. 12 nomination deadline passed without any contenders filing papers for the mayoral posts in those municipalities. In Champlain Township, four of its councillors also kept their seats by acclamation. Ward 1 council- lors Paul-Émile Duval and Troy Carkner will represent Vankleek Hill for another four

years while inWard 3 Helen MacLeod and Normand Riopel will continue as the voices for Longueuil. At the end of Election Night Monday, incumbents Gerry Miner and Pierre Perrault kept their Ward 4 seats with the support of West Hawkesbury voters. Ward 2 will see one new face at council table. For Jacques Lacelle 530 ballots lets him retain his seat as one of the two representa- tives for L’Orignal. But Marc Séguin beat out incumbent Paule Doucet for the other seat, earning 376 votes to Doucet’s 296. In Hawkesbury East there will be three new faces on township council, one of

Solution Hawkesbury now has a comfortable majority at the council table.

HAWKESBURY| Jeanne Charlebois is back in themayor’s chair again after the close of the Oct. 27 polls in Hawkesbury. She gives credit to voter support for her «Hawkes- bury Solution» campaign. «Four years ago, it wasn’t M. Berthiaume who pushed me out, it was the people,» Charlebois said. «Now, the people have brought me back and I am proud that they have given me a second chance.» Charlebois won her new mandate with more than 1400 ballots, indicating greater support for her this time than Berthiaume had when he defeated her in 2010 with more than 900 votes to his credit then. «It’s not the result that our analysis had given us, and that does surprise me,» Ber- thiaume said. «I was ready to offer my ser- vices again, but the people have chosen a different vision. I delivered what I said I would during my four years and I am very

satisfied with what I did for the Town of Hawkesbury. What remained for me to do was to find ways to boost the tax revenue (for city hall). But the people have chosen Mme. Charlebois’ option, which is to cut away at the budget for a quick reduction of (property) taxes. My worry is there isn’t also revenue creation, then it’s a recipe for disas- ter. I wish them well and good luck, and move on to do something else with my life.» Among the council seats up for grab in the election, Johanne Portelance, André Chamaillard and Michel Thibodeau all re- tained their seats at the table. Joining them will be, Yves Paquette and Pierre Ouellet, two member of the Hawkesbury Solution campaign team. Daniel Lalonde is the sole independent candidate to win a seat on council. Champlain and East Hawkesbury In neighbouring Champlain and East minutes. Trois heures d’attente, ce n’est pas acceptable et on n’est pas impressionné», a commenté la greffière de la municipalité de La Nation, Mary McCuaig. Même son de cloche du côté de Hawkesbury «Ça été très long. De mémoire, avec Can Vote c’était de 30 à 40 minutes. On a de- mandé des explications et on attend des réponses.» Du côté de Clarence-Rockland la situa- tion est différente. L’heure tardive est plu- tôt attribuable à la décision de repousser la fermeture des bureaux de vote à 10h. La greffière Monique Ouellet indique que chez eux, les résultats ont été obtenus ra- pidement une fois que l’ordre a été donné de fermer le système, soit vers 10h15 et les résultats sont entrés par courriel à 10h53. En bout de ligne, la Cité de Clarence- Rockland n’a pas reçu ses résultats plus tard que les autres, même si ses bureaux ont fermé deux heures plus tard. Au moment d’aller sous presse, les mu- nicipalités attendent toujours les explica- tions de Scytl Innovating Democracy que nous n’avons pas réussi à rejoindre égale- ment.

Daniel Lalonde was the only independent candidate elected to the Hawkesbury council last Monday.

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Results of the cyber poll system took longer than expected to arrive but Fran- çois St-Amour’s patience was rewarded late Monday night with the news of his re-election as The Nation municipality’s mayor. “Besides the long wait, it was a long (elec- tion) campaign, and well-fought,” St-Amour said after receiving the results of the polls close to midnight. “It was a pleasure.” St-Amour took 2510 ballots in the final poll results against 1929 for his challenger, former-mayor Denis Pommainville. “A bit disappointing,” said Pommainville during a phone interview after the poll results were revealed. “We were expecting a bigger return.” Pommainville is uncertain what his plans will be at present now that the municipal election is over. He conti- nued to express surprise at the results. “We GREGG CHAMBERLAIN GREGG.CHAMBERLAIN@EAP.ON.CA

don’t know what happened,” he said, reflec- ting on his campaign encounters. “People seemed to be upset that things weren’t mo- ving as fast on some things as they wanted them to. But we have to accept the majority decision.” With a new mandate ahead of him, St- Amour listed the strategic plan for the municipality and getting a new budget in place for next year as his immediate priorities.“That’s got to be the main work for now,” he said. In other poll results for The Nation, Ma- rie-Noëlle Lanthier defeated incumbent Raymond Lalande for the Ward 1 seat on council with 535 votes to 501. Incumbent Marcel Legault was returned to the Ward 2 seat with 513 votes against 419 for his opponent, Jean-François Bercier. Marc La- flèche was acclaimed without contest for Ward 3. In Ward 4 Francis Brière defeated Pierre Caron 861 votes to 743.

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La soirée des élections municipales a été marquée par l’attente, lundi soir dernier, avec des délais dépassant trois heures pour la livraison des résultats après la fer- meture des bureaux de vote. Les perfor- mances de la compagnie Scytl Innovating Democracy ont déçu. Un regroupement formé de la plupart des municipalités de Prescott et Russell avait confié la gestion du vote électronique à cette firme qui pos- sède des bureaux sur tous les continents. Seul Alfred-Plantagenet a fait bande à part, en optant pour la méthode de vote conventionnelle. Ainsi, Scytl Innovating Democracy a obte- nu le contrat par voie de soumission et ce sont les greffiers des municipalités partici- pantes qui ont analysé les dossiers reçus. «On avait d’abord choisi une autre com- pagnie mais elle s’est retirée. On avait beau- coup de critères à satisfaire et ce n’était pas juste le prix qui était en cause. On nous avait assuré que le délai serait de 30 à 45

Mayor François St-Amour

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