Aulsbrook Law Firm - February 2019

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D uring this month, people all over take a few extra moments to share their love and appreciation for one another by celebrating their most meaningful relationships. It all comes down to that holiday on Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day. While the day itself doesn’t necessarily hold any particular meaning to me, I certainly can’t say the same about the relationship I have with my wonderful wife, Alison. Second to God and my relationship with him, she is the most important thing in the world to me. We met in 2016 through the dating app Bumble after we both swiped right. Bumble is the dating platform where women get to send the first message — make the first move, so to speak. It surely takes a lot of pressure off the guys. After we swiped right and exchanged some messages back and forth, our first date wasn’t anything extravagant. Alison was living in Dallas, and I was in Arlington. We decided to meet in the middle at a Chili’s. After all, when it comes to online dating, you can never know what you’re getting into until you’re in the same room together. During the date, I may have audaciously asked her if she was going to finish her fish tacos. She’ll never let me live that down, but those were good tacos.

traveling. Our first big trip was to New York City. We did a lot more traveling together in 2017, too, with a trip out to Hawaii and another down to Cancun. It’s always important to do something together that you really love. For us, traveling was and is something we are both very passionate about. From this hobby, we gain experiences that can leave us with a lifetime of memories.

The next big trip we really want to take is a triple threat: Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands. We imagine it will take two weeks with enough time for plenty of adventure.

Of course, since I’m establishing a new law firm and Alison is finishing up her Ph.D. in psychology, we didn’t do nearly as much traveling in 2018 as we would have liked. Though, we did get married, which was the main event of the year. We got married on April 20, 2018 — otherwise known as 4/20 — and yes, some folks at the wedding did manage a few marijuana jokes. After the big day, we were able to travel to the Virgin Islands for our honeymoon.

Our love for dogs was another thing Alison and I bonded over, and we each brought one into the family. You can be sure there will always be dogs running around our household in the years to come.

Beyond that, the great thing about our relationship is that our personalities really complement each other. There are plenty of differences between us, but whatever I lack, Alison makes up for it.

I certainly appreciate all the work Alison has done for the law firm as well as the insurance agency. She wears a lot of hats around here and keeps me on track. Alison has also been instrumental in our community-outreach initiatives, which I featured in the newsletter a few months back.

Without Alison’s dedication, the law firm would be a very different place — and I’d be a different, worse- off person. For that reason and all others, Alison is my world.

Needless to say, we hit it off. The two of us started spending more time together and doing some

–Matt Aulsbrook

Happy Valentine’s Day!



No one loves to pay their auto insurance premiums. We do it because it offers us a level of protection when we venture out on the open road. It’s peace of mind. There is no way to predict what will happen when we commute from home to work and back again. But what determines the amount we pay when the insurance bill arrives? There are several factors that inform the insurance company what they can charge each customer. Take a look. Driving Record It goes without saying that if you’re involved in a crash, you can expect to pay more. Over time, however, you can lower your premiums by keeping your record clean. Those who have never been involved in a crash won’t pay as much. Vehicle of Choice The make and model of your car or truck can have a big impact on what you pay every year. Sportier, higher- horsepower vehicles tend to come with hefty premiums, while cars that emphasize safety and security are paired with lower premiums. Additionally, vehicles that are more susceptible to theft or have lower safety ratings are costlier to insure. Location Insurers charge more for areas where crashes are more frequent and theft rates are higher. Typically, this is the case for just about every city in the country. That means people who live in more densely populated areas will get a bigger insurance bill. Those who live in more rural areas usually spend less. Mileage How much and how far you drive is another factor in what you pay. Basically, if you drive more, you can expect to pay more. It comes down to the fact that the more time you spend on the road commuting, the more likely it is you’ll experience a crash. Credit History Insurers can reference your credit history when determining your premium. They cite studies that suggest your credit history can determine your likelihood of submitting an insurance claim. That is to say, people with lower credit scores are a greater liability in the insurance company’s eyes. Age The numbers don’t lie. Data shows drivers under the age of 24 are more likely to get into a crash than any other group — males under 24, in particular. As a result, their premiums are higher. In almost every case, the younger you are, the more you can expect to pay, and the number goes down as you age. Those past retirement age traditionally pay the least. 6 FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE YOUR INSURANCE PREMIUMS

Family Game Night

Break the Monotony of Overplayed Board Games!

Family game night is a time when a family can forget about all of life’s commitments and bond over a good old-fashioned board game. The old, tattered Monopoly box or worn-out UNO cards can leave something to be desired, and the classics might be getting a little dull. If you’re tired of playing the same board games over and over, it might be time to start looking for ways to change things up. Here are four tabletop games you might not have heard of that are perfect for spicing up family game night. Mysterium Your family will love delving into this cooperative murder mystery game that is a mixture of Clue and Dixit. You can play as the ghost or as one of the mediums who enters the haunting. The ghost player gives each medium a clue or vision about a potential murderer, and the mediums have to guess which person, room, or weapon was used to murder the ghost player. After each turn, the ghost reveals whether each of the mediums’ guesses are right or not. If all of the mediums succeed in guessing correctly by the seventh in-game hour, they work together to find the true murderer. Laser Chess A classic game of chess is a great way to spend an evening, and it just got a little more interesting. Laser chess includes all the problem-solving skills a typical chess game offers but with a twist. At the end of each turn, a player fires a small laser beam that bounces off the mirrored chess pieces. If it hits the non-mirrored surface of a piece, that piece is taken by the player. A player wins when the opposing player’s king piece is illuminated. Catan Welcome to the island of Catan! After a long voyage at sea, the people in your expedition compete against other seafarers in building settlements. Enjoy the 45–90-minute game as you and your family build roads, barter resources, and race for absolute supremacy on Catan. One Night Werewolf Every night, werewolves prowl around the village, and it's up to the villagers to find the werewolf once the sun rises — before it's too late. Each person plays a unique role with different abilities to help find or conceal the werewolf. If the werewolf is caught, the villagers win the game, but if the werewolf manages to escape, the villagers lose.

Now you can bring some exciting variety into your family game nights. Don’t miss out on these excellent tabletop games, and most importantly, have fun!





Car accidents are the leading cause of death among teens in the U.S. In fact, about 35 percent of all teen deaths can be attributed to motor vehicle crashes. For example, in 2013 alone, 2,163 teens ages 16–19 died as a result of a car wreck. During that same time period, 243,243 teens were admitted to emergency rooms due to injuries sustained in a car wreck. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that teens are the most at-risk group for motor vehicle crashes. Drivers ages 16–19 are about three times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident than over those over 20. A lot of risk stems from inexperience behind the wheel and on the road. Teens are still learning how to handle unpredictability and how to interpret potentially dangerous situations. This can take the form of heavy traffic, navigating busy or confusing streets, or dealing with poor road conditions.

The following groups are some of the most at- risk among teens:

Teen Males The CDC reports that male drivers and passengers are twice as likely to die in a car wreck over females in the same age group. Teens Driving With Other Teens Just having other teen passengers ups the risk of accident and death. They can prove distracting to the driver, who is still learning how to handle the vehicle and other drivers. Newly-Licensed Teens The risk of a crash is notably higher during the first few months after a teen gets his or her license. People at this stage typically have less parental supervision and are still very inexperienced. MONTSERRAT O S WA L D

How can we make roads safer for teens?

The best drivers have a lot of experience under their belt. Teens shouldn’t be discouraged from driving, but they should be aware of the risks that come with getting behind the wheel or into a car with their friends. Here are a few ways to make the drive safer.

Seat belts should always be worn.

• Eliminate as many distractions as possible, including the radio, food, and phones. • No one should ever drive after consuming alcohol. • Parents should actively supervise their teen, even after the teen is licensed to drive, to instill good driving habits.

Just for Laughs




• • • •

2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

• • •

2 large egg yolks

3/4 cup sugar

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon salt

Royal icing, sprinkles, and edible markers, for decorating

2 sticks unsalted butter, cold and cut into 1/2-inch cubes



Heat oven to 375 F.

2. In a mixing bowl, combine flour with sugar and salt. Add butter and combine using a mixer at low speed until butter breaks down into small, crumbly pieces. Increase mixing speed to medium and beat until butter and flour clump. 3. Add egg yolks and vanilla extract to bowl, return mixer to low, and mix until dough congeals. 4. Carefully roll dough into a sheet 1/16-inch thick and cut into 4x6-inch cards. 5. On a parchment-lined baking sheet, bake cookie cards for 6 minutes, rotating the pan halfway through. 6. Let cookies cool completely, decorate, and distribute.







INSIDE A Celebration of Love 1 Bring Variety to Family Game Night How Insurers Figure Out What to Charge 2 Road Safety for Teens Edible Valentine’s Day Cookie Cards 3

Let’s Retire These Health Myths 4

Cases We Handle: • Personal Injury/ Wrongful Death • Criminal Law/DWI

• Business Law • Immigration

The 5-Second Rule Will Make You Sick 3 Health Myths You Probably Believe We live in the golden age of information. The answers to many of life’s questions are just an internet search away. Despite this readily available wisdom, we still have a bad habit of believing health-related myths. Here are three popular health “facts” that are total works of fiction. The 5-Second Rule Keeps Food Safe Obviously germs and bacteria don’t really wait five seconds to pounce, but snatching your chip off the floor fast keeps most of the germs away, right? Not according to a 2006 study published by Dr. Paul Dawson. He found conclusive evidence that when food comes into contact with a contaminated surface, bacteria are transferred immediately. Even one second spent on tile, wood, or carpet is enough to infest your food with salmonella or another serious contaminant. Bottled Water Is Safer Than Tap Water People seeking out safer water alternatives increases the sales of bottled “spring water” each year. However, bottled water is more expensive, bad for the environment, and, as Dr. Morton Tavel of the Indiana University School

of Medicine pointed out, over 50 percent of bottled water is just filtered tap water. The same effect can be achieved with a home filtration system. Of course, if the tap water in your area has been contaminated, bottled water is a safer alternative. However, in most circumstances, bottled water is no healthier than tap water. Cracking Your Knuckles Causes Arthritis The connection between knuckle-cracking and arthritis came from studies where participants self-reported their habits. Modern medical research has shown these results to be false. The official stance from the John Hopkins Arthritis Center states, “There is no evidence that cracking knuckles causes any damage such as arthritis in the joints.” Still, chronic knuckle-cracking can lead to reduced grip strength, so you might want to break the habit anyway. You’ve probably heard these myths for years, but just because something is common knowledge doesn’t mean it is true. With information so easily available, always take the time to research the facts, especially when it comes to your health.



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