Blue Gold Student Guide



OPENING WEEKEND YOUR ADVENTURE BEGINS: AUGUST 18-20 o 8/19) Move into your Residence Hall Room o (8/19-26) Attend the required Blue Gold Welcome events. Find them at o (8/19) Find your classes during Campus Class Roam o Check Canvas for any early instructions from your instructors (login with your email credentials) o (8/19 & 20) Visit campus offices like Financial Aid and get to know your UNK resources from 3-5pm. o Purchase your textbooks from the Loper Spirit Shop in the Union WEEK 1 GO TO CLASS: o Visit Academic Advising and Career Development to adjust your schedule if needed. This is the only week you can do this without written permission and for free. o Organize! Once you attend all of your classes look over your syllabi and figure out when papers, tests, and projects are due. Be sure to put them in your planner, so you don’t miss important deadlines. o (8/24) Attend Destination Downtown and get to know the Kearney Community! WEEK 2 FIND YOUR HERD: AUGUST 27-SEPTEMBER 2 o Watch your Lopermail for your E-Bill notification. This is the only notification you will get about your bill. o You did it—you made it through your first week! Stop into the SFT Office and let us know how it went. o Log in to MyBlue to find your academic advisor. Reach out to them and introduce yourself. o (8/31) Find a club or organization and go to the Student Organization Fair! WEEK 3 GET AHEAD. STAY AHEAD: SEPTEMBER 3-9 o Head to URN (The Learning Commons) for tutoring, study sessions, so you can get ahead and stay ahead. AUGUST 21-AUGUST 26 o (8/21) GO TO CLASS FOR YOUR FIRST DAY OF FALL SEMESTER

o You currently have a hold on your MyBlue account, and in order to remove it, you must speak with an advisor in Academic Advising and Career Development (MSAB 150). You will not be able to register for your next semester courses until this hold has been lifted. o Feeling homesick? We totally get it, which is why we have resources to help! Stop into the UNK Counseling Center (MSAB 144, or call 308-865-8248) to set up an appointment and talk to someone. o Treat yourself to a night away from academics. Go out to dinner with friends, attend an athletic event on campus, or just watch Netflix with some friends for an evening. o Struggling with a class? If you haven’t attended your professor’s office hours, now is the time to go see him/her for a little extra help. You can find your professors’ office hours and locations located on your class syllabus. WEEK 5 LOOK AHEAD: SEPTEMBER 17-23 o Don’t forget to pay your tuition and fees (9/21). Late fees will be added to your bill if you do not pay it on time. WEEK 4 TREAT YO’ SELF: SEPTEMBER 10-16 9/22 is also the last day to enroll in the Loper Payment Plan. o Begin to plan out the rest of the semester, look back and see where you made mistakes at the beginning of the year and make changes to help you succeed in the second half. o Your academic advising appointment will be coming up soon. If you haven’t reached out to your advisor yet, now is the time. o If you are unsure who your advisor is, come see us in First Year Programs and we will help point you in the right direction. WEEK 6 CELEBRATE - HOMECOMING 2023: SEPTEMBER 25-30 o You’ve made it your first six weeks! Celebrate your achievements and Homecoming Week 2023 o Lip Sync Contest (9/28). It’s time to shine, get a group together to showcase your talents. o Homecoming Parade (9/30) Decorate a float or walk with your student organization. o Home Football Game (9/30), Lopers vs. Washburn. Cheer on the Lopers, kick-off is at 2:00pm.

In my first year, I have support from

To stay up on important dates in the spring semester, be sure to check the UNK academic calendar as well as other resources like, , and . Also, be sure to frequently check your Lopermail email and Canvas to stay up to date on your classes and campus happenings.

AND the Office of Student and Family Transitions.


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