
COVID-19 Update 1 Jimmy Guidry, MD and Joseph Kanter, MD from the Louisiana Department of Health joined the LSMS 2 via Zoom where they updated the board on the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. Highlights included, 3 current infection rate by district, hospital capacity, ventilator usage, and imminent plans for a vaccine 4 roll out. Dr. Guidry and Dr. Kanter also fielded multiple questions from board members regarding the 5 state’s on-going pandemic efforts. 6 7 LSMS Statement on Rollout of COVID-19 Vaccines 8 Staff reviewed current LSMS vaccine and immunization policies with the board. After the review, 9 board members determined no new policy was required and instead offered the following statement: 10 11 "While the LSMS recognizes personal choice based upon individual health care needs relative to the 12 COVID-19 vaccine, we remain a policy-driven organization and for over 30 years, the LSMS has 13 supported the administration of vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control, as a public 14 health measure to protect patients and reduce the spread of disease. Therefore, if you are eligible for and 15 offered a COVID-19 vaccine, we encourage you to get vaccinated." 16 17 Additionally, the board committed the LSMS to continue working with all stakeholders on a process 18 whereby physicians are updated and aware of any and all adverse reactions individuals may be having to 19 the COVID-19 vaccine(s). 20 21 Report from the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners 22 Dr. Rod Clark, President and Dr. Vincent Culotta, Executive Director for the Louisiana State Board of 23 Medical Examiners (LSBME) joined the LSMS Board meeting via Zoom and provided an update on 24 current LSBME activities. Of note was the new continuing medical education tool CE Broker, which 25 was recently implemented by the LSBME. 28 Malcolm Broussard, Executive Director for the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy joined the LSMS Board 29 meeting via Zoom to address two lingering pharmacy related issues previously brought to the LSMS 30 Board from Dr. Gamborg in March 2020. Dr. Gamborg stated that he continues to see the following 31 issues in the Lake Charles area. The first issue is automatic computer-generated refills where a 32 pharmacy’s computer system generates a refill without a physician’s order and in many cases the 33 prescription may no longer be necessary or needed by the patient. The second issue is who owns the 34 prescription; is it the patient or the pharmacy? Dr. Gamborg presented both issues to Mr. Broussard 35 who committed to bringing both issues to the next meeting of the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy where 36 they could be fully vetted. Mr. Broussard also extended an invitation for Dr. Gamborg to attend that 37 meeting on behalf of the LSMS. 40 Marci Freeman, President of the LSMS Alliance updated the board on recent Alliance activities. The 41 highlighted topic was the Alliance partnering with the LSMS Foundation to collect donations for Toys 42 for Tots. 38 39 Report from LSMS Alliance 26 27 Report from the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy

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45 With no additional business to discuss, Dr. Williams adjourned the meeting at 4:05 PM.

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Katherine Williams, MD, President Will Freeman, MD, President-Elect

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