
Resolutions are divided into four sections by topic. The sections are: 100 - General Business; Bylaws 200 - Legislation 300 - Scientific; Public Health 400 - Socioeconomic

Occasionally a topic will be of such importance that a separate section is created for resolutions addressing it. The numbering and placement of resolutions in these sections are at the discretion of the Speakers. Late Resolutions, as defined in the Procedures, will be distributed to the House at the beginning of the opening session. The Committee on Rules and Order of Business will submit its recommendations to the House on each late resolution. This Committee does not hold open hearings but provides the author (s) of late resolutions an opportunity to explain the reasons for submitting their resolution past the deadline. The author of a late resolution receiving a not accept recommendation may appeal such recommendation to the House. The House will then vote on the acceptance of each resolution. A two-thirds affirmative vote is required for acceptance as official business of the House. Calendar of Consent : The Consent Calendar includes those resolutions which the Speakers believe are of a non-controversial nature and will generate little or no opposition. The Consent Calendar is presented prior to the consideration of other resolutions. When the Consent Calendar is presented, any item may be removed for debate by request from the floor without the need to vote to separate it from the other items. Commendation Resolution : The House of Delegates has established a rule prohibiting the introduction of commendation resolutions. These resolutions can be controversial in nature and, because unanimous approval is assumed, commendation resolutions may not be in the best interest of the Society. Requests for commendations should be sent to the Board of Governors for consideration of appropriate recognition. Elections Article V, Officers, of the Charter of the LSMS states a member shall not be eligible for nomination to any office who is not in attendance at the Annual Meeting (except if he has been a faithful attendant at the Annual Meetings and has a valid excuse), and who has not been an active member of the Society for at least three years prior to his nomination. Nominations for elections are held during the opening session of the House and are designated by a specific time on the agenda. Incumbents in any office up for election are requested to notify the Secretary/Treasurer of the LSMS 45 days prior to the opening session of the House of Delegates whether he or she will be a candidate for reelection. In addition, any other LSMS members who intend to seek an elected position or office should forward a one-page resume and

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