He reminded the delegates of the process by which resolutions are numbered and categorized. He reiterated the Speakers make only minor editorial changes to the resolve segment of resolutions to clarify their structure prior to publication and mailing to the House. He emphasized most are grammatical or procedural in nature and do not reflect any change to the intent of the resolution. He noted any portion of a resolve can be amended during debate. Because the WHEREAS portions of resolutions are dropped once resolves are adopted, each resolve should always be in a form which can stand alone after adoption. Dr. Perkowski noted the procedure for offering amendments. Amendments should be presented to LSMS staff at the table in the back of the House. Staff will type them up and give the author of the amendment a specific number for his or her amendment. When the author wishes to introduce an amendment, he will say so and provide the number of the amendment which will then be displayed on the screens. Dr. Perkowski reminded attendees that when speaking at the microphones to identify yourself, who you represent, and state whether you support or oppose the resolution or amendment. Report of the Credentials Committee Trenton James, II, MD, Committee Chair, reported that a quorum of certified delegates was present and seated. Report of the Committee on Rules and Order of Business Anthony “Andy” Blalock, MD, Chair, presented the report of the Committee on Rules and Order of Business which met earlier in the day. The Committee recommended the following rules for use by the 2020 House of Delegates: 1. Limitation of Debate: The tradition of previous meetings regarding limitation of debate be as follows: Each speaker addressing an item brought to the floor for a vote is limited to three minutes of debate. Each delegate may return to the floor for one minute for the purpose of rebuttal or to summarize his/her position. 2. Elections packet was approved as presented.
The report and recommendations of the committee on Rules and Order of Business were approved by the House of Delegates.
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