
91.10 Hospitals; Organized Medical Staff - Hospital Privileges and Limited Health Care Practitioners REAFFIRMED AS AMENDED The LSMS recommends all medical staffs incorporate provisions in their bylaws for the voluntary sponsorship and agreement to supervise by a qualified member of the medical staff as a prerequisite for admission of limited licensed health care practitioners to the staff granting clinical privileges. The admission of patients for services provided by the limited licensed health care practitioners should be processed through a qualified physician willing to sponsor and supervise the limited licensed health care practitioner. Patients admitted to an acute care hospital by a sponsored limited licensed health care practitioner should ideally be seen by qualified physician within 24 hours. 92.02 Nursing Homes – Pharmaceutical Company Rebates for Nursing Home Pharmacies REAFFIRMED The LSMS opposes allowing nursing home pharmacies from receiving pharmaceutical company rebates for soliciting nursing home physicians to utilize specific drugs based on purely economic reasons while disregarding quality, or clinical effectiveness of other drugs.

92.03 Nursing Homes – Payment of Co-pays and Deductibles SUNSET

The LSMS supports requiring that individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid to pay reasonable deductibles and copays for nursing home care.

100.15 Health Care Reform - State Funding REAFFIRMED

The LSMS supports any legislative initiative to remove dedications of public funding in an effort to mitigate budget reductions to healthcare when the state experiences budget shortfalls.

110.04 Health Information - Electronic Health Records Meaningful Use REAFFIRMED AS AMENDED

The LSMS supports an exception for physicians practicing in rural and HPSA areas of Louisiana from having to meet the requirement of meaningful use which mandates the use of secure electronic communication with patients., and direct the AMA Delegation submit a resolution to request the AMA seek changes in federal law to permit such an exception for Louisiana physicians in rural areas.

120.07 Health Insurance - Employer Mandate REAFFIRMED

The LSMS recognizes employer provided insurance as one of the important options for financing health care coverage but it should not be mandated.

121.01 Eligibility, Benefits & Coverage - Patient Protections REAFFIRMED

The LSMS supports the following patient protections being included in contracts issued by health insurance issuers: (1) Health plans be required to provide prospective enrollees/patients with information regarding:

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