151.02 Medicaid Funding - SCHIP Legislation REAFFIRMED
The LSMS opposes the inappropriate use of the SCHIP program as an incremental step toward a single-payer government run health care system.
200.03 Mental Health - Parity of Benefits for Mental Illness REAFFIRMED
The LSMS affirms its support of health system reform which will guarantee parity of benefits for the mentally ill from its inception and opposes any reform which further stigmatizes our mentally ill patients by continuing to deprive them of the necessary access to affordable care.
210.03 Physicians - Criminalization of Medical Decisions: REAFFIRMED
The LSMS opposes the criminalization of medical decisions and actions by physicians and other healthcare providers who in loyalty to their patients and who in proper exercise of their clinical judgment and for appropriate reasons depart from established medical care and resource allocation guidelines or standards.
211.01 Advertising - Advertising by Physicians REAFFIRMED
The LSMS opposes false, fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive statements of professional credentials by physicians. Advertising or other publicity by individual physicians, medical group practices, or professional medical corporations, including participation in public functions, should not contain self-laudatory statements of claims regarding the quality of their services which cannot be readily measured or accurately defined. A physician, medical group practice, or professional medical corporation should not offer compensation or give anything of value to representatives of the press, radio, television, or other communication mediums in anticipation of or in return for professional recognition in a public news item of any kind. A paid advertisement must be identified as such unless it is apparent from the content that it is a paid advertisement. The LSMS is opposed to any effort by the state of Louisiana, including but not limited to the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners, to require that a physician complete a “maintenance of licensure (MOL)” program similar to that proposed by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) as a condition of licensure. 213.01 Physician Contracts & Payment - Physicians Rights Under Health Coverage Plans REAFFIRMED The LSMS believes that all physicians should enjoy the following rights with regard to health coverage plans: 212.09 Licensure and Discipline – Maintenance of Licensure REAFFIRMED
(1) Health coverage plans should be prohibited from terminating contracts with physicians without cause and should provide physician applicants with all reasons for denial of an application or nonrenewal of a contract. A Physicians should be accorded a due process appeal which utilizes the procedure for appeal set forth in the Healthcare Quality Improvement Act of 1986. Procedures that ensure
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