
233.01 Medical Malpractice - Tort Reform REAFFIRMED

The LSMS supports the enactment of legislation that will foster needed tort reforms to address the expanding burden of the current tort system, particularly the high transition costs of medical professional liability in Louisiana and across the nation.

233.02 Medical Malpractice - Establish the Authority to Limit Damages REAFFIRMED

The LSMS supports appropriate legislative initiatives which seek further solidify the established authority of the legislature to limit damages for medical malpractice awards.

233.04 Medical Malpractice – Solidary Liability REAFFIRMED

The LSMS believes that in matters of tort litigation each tortfeasor shall pay only for the portion of the damage that he/she has caused, and the tortfeasor shall not be solidarily liable with any other person for damages attributable to the fault of that person. The LSMS opposes any attempt to reinstitute solidary liability in Louisiana.

233.07 Medical Malpractice - Loser Pays Rule in Civil Litigation REAFFIRMED The LSMS supports a loser pays rule in civil litigation. 243.02 Immunizations – Annual Vaccinations REAFFIRMED

The LSMS supports the annual administration of vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and/or the American Academy of Pediatrics. The Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals should arrange for adequate funding to administer the vaccine in public health clinics. LSMS supports the requirement for all students entering school to have the required vaccines in accordance with State Health Department approved schedule.

243.03 Immunizations - Influenza Vaccine for Health Care Workers REAFFIRMED

The LSMS supports the annual vaccination of health care providers, per CDC guidelines, as a public health measure to protect patients and reduce the spread of disease.

243.05 Immunizations - Louisiana Immunization Networks for Kids Statewide (LINKS) REAFFIRMED

The LSMS supports the Louisiana Immunization Networks for Kids Statewide (LINKS) and supports initiatives which seek to: (1) Achieve consistency between state and federal guidelines for the appropriate timing of vaccine administration. (2) Develop methods which are secure and simple to correct errors in patient records. (3) Expand reporting requirements for the LINK system to include all entities that administer vaccines to children.

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