2. To represent the Louisiana State Medical Society at the meetings of the House of Delegates of the American Medical Association or at special interest section meetings, where they shall faithfully represent the LSMS and its official policies ; and 3. To serve as a member of the House of Delegates of the Louisiana State Medical Society.
RESOLUTION 107– ADOPTED AS AMENDED SUBJECT: Changes to the LSMS House of Delegates & Annual Meeting
RESOLVED that the Louisiana State Medical Society President shall appoint an ad-hoc committee to study the feasibility of scheduling the Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates at a different time of the year, and be it further RESOLVED that the ad-hoc committee shall be comprised of nine LSMS members including one representative from the Board of Governors, one representative from the Past Presidents Advisory Council, two representatives from the Young Physician Section, two representatives from the Resident and Fellow Section, one representative from the medical student section, the Chairman of the Council on Legislation, and the Speaker and Vice Speaker of the House of Delegates, and be it further RESOLVED that the committee shall provide a report to the Board of Governors at each of its scheduled meetings in 2020, and be it further RESOLVED that the committee shall provide a report and make a recommendation to the full House of Delegates during its 2021 Meeting in Baton Rouge, and be it further RESOLVED that no changes be made that impact existing contracts for future meetings of the House of Delegates. RESOLUTION 108– ADOPTED AS AMENDED SUBJECT: Permission for LSMS Sections to author and submit resolutions to House of Delegates RESOLVED , that our Louisiana State Medical Society allow Sections, included but not limited to the Young Physician Section, Resident Section, Medical Student Section, and Senior Physician Section, Affiliated Parish Medical Societies, of LSMS to author and submit resolutions to the House of Delegates. RESOLVED , that ARTICLE XII (House of Delegates) of the LSMS bylaws be amended by addition as follows:
H. Method of Doing Business
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