*** 2. Introduction of Resolutions—Resolutions may be presented by a delegate, an alternate delegate, a Chartered Parish Society, a general officer of the Society, the Board of Governors, a Council or Standing Committee of the Louisiana State Medical Society, a Standing Committee of the House of Delegates, Y oung Physician Section, Resident Section, Medical Student Section, Senior Physician Section, or an Affiliated Parish Medical Society .
RESOLUTION 109– REFERRED TO BOG SUBJECT: LSMS sharing of member contact information
RESOLVED, that LSMS will share, in a timely and digital manner, its demographic data and information, including email addresses and other form of electronic contact information, for members, former members, and prospective members with LSMS Affiliated and/or Chartered parish medical societies upon request, and be it further RESOLVED, that Parish medical societies Affiliated with or Chartered by LSMS will share its demographic data and information, including email addresses and other form of electronic contact information, for members, former members, and prospective members with LSMS in a timely and digital manner upon request.
RESOLUTION 110– ADOPTED SUBJECT: Proper reporting of suicide on Certificates of Death
RESOLVED , that it is the policy of the Louisiana State Medical Society that “Suicide” is defined as “the intentional and deliberate act of taking one's own life through the performance of an act intended to result in death,” and that a suicide is a death caused by self-directed injurious behavior with any intent to die as a result of the behavior, and be it further RESOLVED , that it is the policy of the Louisiana State Medical Society that In Part I of the U.S. Standard Certificate of Death – Cause of Death , the immediate cause of death is to be reported in Item 32 Line (a), and is the final disease, injury, or complication directly causing the death, and the Manner of Death is to be reported in Item 37, and be it further RESOLVED , that it is the policy of the Louisiana State Medical Society that “Suicide” is a valid Manner of Death, and be it further RESOLVED, that it is the policy of the Louisiana State Medical Society that when the certifying physician determines that death has been caused by self-directed injurious behavior with any intent to die as a result of the behavior, and that the death has resulted from an intentional and deliberate act of taking one's own life through the performance of an act intended to result in death, then “Suicide” should be indicated as the Manner of Death accompanying the immediate Cause of Death, and be it further
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