
RESOLVED, that it is the policy of the Louisiana State Medical Society that in those cases of death wherein an accident, suicide, or homicide has occurred, the medical examiner or coroner must be notified, and be it further RESOLVED ,that the Louisiana State Medical Society will express by letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to the National Center for Health Statistics, to the Centers for Medicare and Medicare Services, to the United States Department of Justice, to the Louisiana Congressional Delegation, and to the American Medical Association concerns that Certificates of Death in jurisdictions allowing Physician-Assisted Suicide may be falsely listing immediate Causes of Death and falsely omitting Suicide as a Manner of Death in certain cases of death caused by self- directed injurious behavior, and be it further RESOLVED , that the Louisiana State Medical Society will express by letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to the National Center for Health Statistics, to the Centers for Medicare and Medicare Services, to the United States Department of Justice, to the Louisiana Congressional Delegation, and to the American Medical Association concerns that in jurisdictions allowing Physician-Assisted Suicide certain deaths caused by Suicide may have been intentionally misclassified in State law and may not be properly reported to the medical examiner or coroner.

RESOLUTION 111– ADOPTED SUBJECT: The Practice of Medicine

RESOLVED , that the Louisiana State Medical Society adopts the following definition of the Practice of Medicine: "The practice of medicine", whether allopathic or osteopathic, means the holding out of one's self to the public as being engaged in the business of, or the actual engagement in, the diagnosing, treating, curing, or relieving of any bodily or mental disease, condition, infirmity, deformity, defect, ailment, or injury in any human being, other than himself, whether by the use of any drug, instrument or force, whether physical or psychic, or of what other nature, or any other agency or means; or the examining, either gratuitously or for compensation, of any person or material from any person for such purpose whether such drug, instrument, force, or other agency or means is applied to or used by the patient or by another person; or the attending of a woman in childbirth without the aid of a licensed physician or midwife. And be it further RESOLVED , that it is the policy of the Louisiana State Medical Society that any natural person engaged in the Practice of Medicine should be subject to the jurisdiction of the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners and to its legislatively authorized Duties and Powers as to those actions which may constitute the practice of medicine.

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