RESOLUTION 302-ADOPTED SUBJECT: Vector-borne disease control
RESOLVED, that our LSMS recognizes vector-borne disease as a serious and growing public health concern in Louisiana, and be it further RESOLVED, that our LSMS supports the prevention and control of vector-borne disease through evidence-based procedures, and be it further RESOLVED, that our LSMS supports local public health programs that test and track diseases, as well as mosquitoes and other vectors that spread them, and be it further RESOLVED, that our LSMS supports public education initiatives on prevention and control of vector-borne disease, and be it further RESOLVED, that our LSMS supports continued research for developing innovative vaccines, treatments, and control methods for vector-borne disease.
RESOLVED, t hat the Louisiana State Medical Society supports and endorses the passage and implementation of directs the Council on Legislation to review and make recommendations relative to the “Louisiana Med Spa Act” as developed by the American Academy of Dermatology, The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery and the Louisiana Dermatologic Society .
RESOLUTION 304-ADOPTED SUBJECT: Tuberculosis testing among health care workers
RESOLVED, that Louisiana State Medical Society urges the Louisiana Department of Health to require (1) Screen health care personnel and volunteers in hospitals, nursing homes and other medical/health care facilities, which are considered high risk for exposure to tuberculosis disease, at time of employment or time of beginning volunteering, with a test generally recognized by medical authorities as appropriate, e.g. the Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) skin test or the Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA), (2) Remove the requirement for annual re-screening of health care personnel and volunteers in the same medical/health care facilities in (1) above in the absence of known exposure to tuberculosis disease, and (3) Provide education to all personnel and volunteers regarding tuberculosis on at least an annual basis.
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