
RESOLUTION 403- ADOPTED AS AMENDED SUBJECT: Decreasing the demand for illicit drugs

RESOLVED , that our LSMS seeks and/or supports advocacy campaigns at the local, state, and national level to educate the public on addiction and the hazards of recreational drug use; and be it further RESOLVED , that our LSMS seeks and/or supports policy or legislation that promotes research into effective methods of addiction treatment; and be it further RESOLVED , that our LSMS seeks and/or supports policy or legislation that require regulations requiring health insurance plans to cover evidence-based appropriate addiction treatment. RESOLVED, that our LSMS seeks and/or supports investment in addiction research in the areas of cocaine and methamphetamine use. RESOLUTION L1- ADOPTED AS AMENDED SUBJECT: Advocating for Implementation of medical education programs and initiatives to improve mental health training, awareness, and outcomes RESOLVED , that our LSMS advocate for the development advancement of statewide programs targeted at providing resources to that decrease stigma surrounding mental health and improve mental health education among medical trainees . Programs should include: 1. A comprehensive suicide awareness program which teaches medical students about the signs and symptoms of suicide and normalizes help-seeking 2. Introduction to patients/peers with various mental illness diagnoses early on into medical school to help reduce stigma 3. Peer support group where medical students can discuss issues with depression, anxiety, etc. 4. An interdisciplinary mental health education “class,” which spans through 1 st and 4 th year.

RESOLUTION L2– ADOPTED AS AMENDED SUBJECT: Last names of newborns to of Citizens Hispanic origin in the State of Louisiana

RESOLVED that LSMS seek and /or support legislation that would correctly document and register the last names of all citizens of the State of Louisiana in a consistent manner .

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