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Minutes of the
Louisiana State Medical Society
Board of Governors Meeting – January 24, 2020
Call to Order
7 Lee Stevens, MD, President, called the meeting to order, on Friday, January 24, 2020 at 9:05 AM. Dr. 8 Stevens then led the board in reciting the Physician’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. 9 10 Verification of Quorum 11 Dr. Paddock verified the presence of a quorum. 14 Dr. Stevens introduced Dr. Will Freeman who is a practicing emergency physician from Prairieville 15 running for president-elect of the society. Also, in attendance, was Dr. Claudette Dalton who is the current 16 chair of the American Medical Association’s Southeastern Delegation of which the LSMS is a 17 participating member. Both Dr. Freeman and Dr. Dalton took a few minutes to introduce themselves and 18 thank everyone for the invitation to the meeting. 12 13 Introduction of Guests 21 Mr. Williams reminded the board members that meeting dates for 2020 had already been selected and 22 approved as follows: March 11 th , June 3 rd , September 16 th and December 16 th. 23 24 Discussion and Review of Board Sponsored Resolutions 25 Dr. Stevens led board members through a brief summary of the two board sponsored resolutions. Dr. 26 Perkowski pointed out that the Speakers had placed both resolutions (R105-20 AMA Delegation Official 27 Family and R106-20 LSMS Officers Must Uphold Society Policies) on the consent calendar and did not 28 anticipate anyone extracting either of them for debate. However, Dr. Stevens asked for a champion for 29 each resolution who would introduce the resolution on the floor of the House, if necessary. After some 30 brief discussion, Dr. White agreed to move R105-20 and Dr. Bankston agreed to R106-20, if applicable. 19 20 2020 Board of Governors Dates 33 Dr. Stevens called for any comments related to any other resolutions of which there were none. 34 35 Recommendation from the Task Force on Privacy Policy 36 Ms. Bailey informed the board members that based upon email communication among the members of 37 the task force, a discussion held on Tuesday, January 7, 2020, along with the additional feedback she 38 received from members of the task force, there is a consensus regarding the usefulness of development of 39 listservs to facilitate communication among our leadership/board members with their individual districts 40 or secti ons. Members would have to “opt in” to such listserv and it would be monitored by LSMS staff in 41 order to ensure accuracy and appropriateness of such communications. Ms. Bailey also stated that the 42 staff is already researching the development of individual listservs. Furthermore, the task force reached a 43 consensus relative to the development of a privacy policy whereby each of our members may “opt 44 in” allowing the LSMS to share their information with outside entities upon reque st. There was discussion 45 regarding more than one option (outside vs. parish med society) to “opt in” to, which requires some 46 additional discussions regarding applicat ion. This would be in keeping with the FTC guidance 47 recommending withholding identifying information absent specific permission granted for release of 48 suc h. Ms. Bailey further explained that during the time since the last board meeting (December 11, 2019) 49 she reached out to other state medical societies, confirmed with the AMA and other similar 50 31 32 Discussion of other Resolutions
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