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Minutes of the
Louisiana State Medical Society
Board of Governors Meeting – March 11, 2020
Call to Order
8 Katherine Williams, MD, President, called the meeting to order on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, at 8:40 9 A.M. Dr. Williams led the board in reciting the Physician’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
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Verification of Quorum
Dr. Paddock verified the presence of a quorum.
13 14 Draft Updates to the LSMS Board of Governors Handbook 15 Mr. Williams reminded board members that in January 2020 they approved, in concept, staff developing 16 some potential updates to the Board of Governors Handbook, which included: duties of the board, a new 17 conflict of interest policy, as well as, a policy for supporting board decisions publicly. Mr. Williams 18 then presented the draft policy updates. 21 In addition to the duties established by Society bylaws, each member of the Board, generally has three 22 related legal and ethical duties to the Society while acting on behalf of the Society or any of its 23 subsidiaries. These include: 19 20 Amendments to the duties of the board 24 25 1. Duty of loyalty. To make decisions based exclusively on what the person believes to be in the 26 best interests of the Society. No officer, district councilor, or other member of the board should 27 vote or take a position on a Society issue based on personal interests or on the interests of 28 another organization. 29 30 2. Duty to respect confidentiality. To refrain from disclosing any confidential information, 31 strategies, or plans of the Society to any other individual or entity without appropriate 32 authorization from the Society. 33 34 3. Duty to disclose actual and potential conflicts. To annually execute a Conflict of Interest and 35 Statement of Disclosure in order to clearly disclosure of any actual or potential conflict of 36 interest that might be relevant, or might reasonably be regarded as relevant, to consideration of 37 any specific issue at the time that the issue is considered. 38 39 Conflict of Interest Policy, Statement of Disclosure and Certification 40 Article XXV of the Society’s bylaws defines a conflict of interest as follows: No officer of the Society 41 or member of the Board of Governors, acting as an officer or member of the Board of Governors, may 42 undertake an obligation, which favors his or her private interest above his or her duty as an officer or 43 member of the Board of Governors of this Society. This definition in no way restricts the right of an 44 officer or member of the Board of Governors to earn a livelihood within the scope of the principles of 45 medical ethics, provided that his or her personal interests do not conflict with his or her duties as an 46 officer or member of the Board of Governors.
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