
tuberculosis disease, at time of employment or time of beginning volunteering, with a test generally 1 recognized by medical authorities as appropriate, e.g. the Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) skin test or 2 the Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA). (2) Remove the requirement for annual re-screening of 3 health care personnel and volunteers in the same medical/health care facilities in (1) above in the 4 absence of known exposure to tuberculosis disease, and (3) Provide education to all personnel and 5 volunteers regarding tuberculosis on at least an annual basis. Sunsets 2022. 6 7 R402-20: Louisiana Direct Primary Care Pilot - Directs the LSMS work with the Louisiana Department 8 of Health to initiate a Medicaid Direct Primary Care Practice pilot program. Sunsets 2022. 9 10 R403-20: Decreasing the demand for illicit drugs - Directs the LSMS to seeks and/or support advocacy 11 campaigns at the local, state, and national level to educate the public on addiction and the hazards of 12 recreational drug use, to include: policy or legislation that promotes research into effective methods of 13 addiction treatment, mandates health insurance plans cover appropriate addiction treatment and supports 14 investment in addiction research in the areas of cocaine and methamphetamine use. Sunsets 2022. 15 16 L2-20: Last names of newborns to of Citizens Hispanic origin in the State of Louisiana - Directs the 17 LSMS seek and/or support legislation that would document and register the last names of all citizens of 18 the State of Louisiana in a consistent manner. Sunsets 2022. 21 Dr. Williams and Ms. Bailey reviewed the current position of the Louisiana State Board of Medicine 22 (LSBME) for the corporate practice of medicine. Highlighted, was the fact that their last position 23 statement on the topic was issued on March 21, 2001. Many felt that considering the evolution of health 24 care delivery models over the last nineteen years, it was time for an updated opinion. After some 25 additional discussion, the following motion was made: 19 20 Updating the Corporate Practice of Medicine

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Potential 2020 LSMS Board Retreat

33 Dr. Williams discussed the board having a retreat later in the year to discuss current and future trends as 34 they relate to membership, organizational structure, efficiencies, etc. The retreat would be held in 35 Covington on the weekend of August 27 th -28 th and the estimated cost would be less than the $15,000 36 limit the board has the authority to approve for non-budgeted items. At this time, no official motion was 37 made but staff was asked to look into possible locations for the suggested dates and estimated costs so 38 the board could discuss at their June meeting or the executive committee could review and approve prior 39 to June if necessary to lock in a contract or rates. 42 Mr. Williams reviewed the mission and purpose of the newly created Louisiana Vaccine Alliance, which 43 is a group of physicians, parents, community members and business leaders working to reduce vaccine- 44 preventable diseases across the lifespan through education, advocacy and strategic partnerships. The 45 effort is being spearheaded by the Louisiana Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics who has 46 asked the LSMS to participate. Mr. Williams made sure board members knew there were a few anti- 47 vaccination bills filed for the 2020 legislative session. After some further discussion, the following 48 motion was made: 40 41 Louisiana Vaccine Alliance

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