
District 10: Nic Viviano, MD - echoed what everyone else said and added that access to Chloroquine 1 and Hydroxychloroquine for Lupus patients was becoming an issue as demand for the drugs has 2 skyrocketed as they have been touted as a possible treatment option for COVID-19 patients. 5 Mr. Williams advised the board that the mailing and collection of membership dues had been temporarily 6 stopped until physicians and staff can return to the work and we approach some level of pre COVID-19 7 normalcy. 3 4 Membership 10 Mr. Williams advised the board that the COVID-19 pandemic would have a negative impact of 11 membership dues and our overall 2020 budget. As a result, Mr. Williams suggested that revenue 12 projections for the year should be lowered by approximately 20% or $250,000. Additionally, Mr. 13 Williams recommended that expenses should also be reduced by at least an equal amount if not more. Mr. 14 Williams highlighted a few changes that could be made immediately and recommended that any remaining 15 cuts be discussed by the Budget and Finance Committee at a later date when we had a clearer picture of 16 just how bad this could get. After some discussion, the following motions were made: 19 DIRECT THE LSMS EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT TO IMMEDIATELY LOWER 2020 20 REVENUE PROJECTIONS FROM MEMBERSHIP DUES BY $250,000. 8 9 Budget Considerations 17 18 MOTION (APPROVED) 23 DIRECT THE LSMS EXECUTIVE VICE PRESDIENT TO IMMEDIATELY MAKE COST 24 SAVINGS CHANGES TO 2020 OPERATING ESPENSES BY REDUCING 401K 25 CONTRIBUTIONS, ELIMINATING TRAVEL AND CANCELING MEETING. 21 22 MOTION (APPROVED)

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28 With no additional business to discuss, Dr. Williams adjourned the meeting at 7:45 P.M.

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Katherine Williams, MD, President Will Freeman, President-Elect Lee Stevens, MD, Immediate Past President Reece Newsome, MD, Vice President Steen Trawick, MD, Speaker of the House Richard Paddock, MD, Secretary-Treasurer George Ellis, MD, First District Councilor Allen Vander, MD Third District Councilor

Frederick J. White, III, MD, Fourth District Councilor Adrienne Williams, MD, Fifth District Alternate Brian Gamborg, MD, Seventh District Councilor Anthony Blalock, MD, Ninth District Councilor Nicholas Viviano, MD, Tenth District Councilor Greg Lord, MD, Senior Physician Section Alternate Amberly Nunez, MD, Young Physician Section Member Omar Leonards, MD, Resident/Fellow Section Member Jacob Boudreaux, Medical Student Member

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