In addition, the LSMS Bylaws provide for Official Observers in the HOD. Louisiana physician organizations may apply to the Board of Governors for official observer status in the House. Organizations granted observer status are invited to send one representative to all meetings of the Louisiana State Medical Society House of Delegates. The observer must be a physician member of the named organization and not a hired representative or staff member. Official observers have the right to speak on the floor of the House upon recognition by the Speaker. However, Official Observers do not have the right to introduce business, introduce an amendment, make a motion, or vote. Apportionment of Delegates On November 1st of each year, the LSMS will calculate the number of elected and non-elected delegates eligible to participate in the upcoming House of Delegates; this number is known as the official call. Per LSMS Bylaws, a full dues equivalent method is used within each medical district to determine apportionment to the LSMS House of Delegates. NOTE: to calculate joint membership between the LSMS and chartered or affiliated parish societies; those recognized parish medical societies need to submit a copy of their current membership roster to the LSMS no later than October 15th of each year. Failure to do so may result in lost seats to the House. Meeting Overview The LSMS Bylaws specify that the House of Delegates shall meet annually. Typically, the LSMS convenes its annual meeting in late January or early February with a close watch on future Mardi Gras dates. Currently the meeting in held two years in a row in Baton Rouge and then elsewhere in the state for the third year and then the cycle begins again. LSMS Bylaws also outline the procedures under which special meetings of the HOD can occur. Information on the dates and location for each annual meeting is available on the LSMS website. The meeting opens on a Friday and ends early in the afternoon the following day. It includes events related to awards, elections and the inauguration of the incoming LSMS President. As for the House itself, voting delegates introduce business to the House through the presentation of resolutions as individuals or on behalf of their delegation. The members of the House can support, oppose, voice concern, or articulate their point of view on items of business under consideration. The Board of Governors, Past Presidents Advisory Council, Senior Physician Section, Young Physician Section, Resident and Fellow Section and the Medical Student Section all meet before the House of Delegates. These meetings, many times, occur concurrently on Friday morning prior to the convening of the HOD. Additionally, other LSMS committees and councils may meet during this time if there is business to conduct. However, travel expenses and meals to attend meetings held during the House are not reimbursable per LSMS policy. From time to time, the LSMS will host educational sessions before, during and/or after the House of Delegates meeting. Awards Luncheon - on Friday the LSMS hosts its annual awards luncheon where it recognizes the following awards: LSMS Hall of Fame, community service, distinguished service, Alliance Ultimately, the HOD will take action on all items of business. Meetings Held in Conjunction with the House of Delegates
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