

Closing Remarks

2 Dr. Williams reminded everyone who was eligible and had not previously filed for financial relief under 3 the Payroll Protection Program, to do so immediately and to share widely with their colleagues as the new 4 funds would be expended quickly. Dr. Williams also briefed the board of recent meetings with 5 Representative Steve Scalise and Senator Bill Cassidy related to helping physicians keep their practices 6 relevant and viable as we move forward. After some discussion and questions, a motion was made to 7 adjourn.

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10 With no additional business to discuss, Dr. Williams adjourned the meeting at 6:22 P.M.

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Katherine Williams, MD, President Lee Stevens, MD, Immediate Past President William Freeman, MD, President-Elect Reece Newsome, MD, Vice President Steen Trawick, MD, Vice Speaker of the House Richard Paddock, MD, Secretary-Treasurer David Broussard, MD, Chair, Council on Legislation George Ellis, MD, First District Councilor Adrienne Williams, MD, Fifth District Alternate Brian Gamborg, MD, Seventh District Councilor Lance Templeton, MD, Eighth District Councilor Anthony Blalock, MD, Ninth District Councilor Nicholas Viviano, MD, Tenth District Councilor Robert McCord, MD, Senior Physician Section Member Amberly Nunez, MD, Young Physician Section Member Omar Leonards, MD, Resident/Fellow Section Member Jacob Boudreaux, Medical Student Member Ann Borreson, MD, First District Alternate Robert Chugden, MD, Second District Councilor Gabriel Rivera, MD, Second District Alternate Allen Vander, MD Third District Councilor Mark Hebert, MD, Third District Alternate Frederick J. White, III, MD, Fourth District Councilor Susan Veillon, MD, Fourth District Alternate Gwenn Jackson, MD, Fifth District Alternate Michael Roppolo, MD, Sixth District Councilor Azeen Sadeghian, MD, Sixth District Alternate Michael Dole, MD, Eighth District Alternate Rod Clark, MD, Ninth District Alternate Jeremy Henderson, MD, Tenth District Alternate Randall White, Jr., MD, Young Physician Alternate Ken Ehrhardt, Jr., MD, Resident/Fellow Section Alternate Dan Frechtling, Medical Student Alternate Absent:

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