as a few examples of what she waited to achieve for the day. She informed the groups that the board 1 would meet collectively again later in the day and she wanted each group to present all of their ideas, in 2 concept, and then decide what the top 3-5 priorities should be for the society. Dr. Williams went on to 3 say that those top ideas would be further developed throughout the summer as the ad hoc committees 4 continued to work on them and that final recommendations would be presented and discussed at the next 5 regularly scheduled meeting on the board, which is on September 16, 2020. 8 After lunch the groups reunited and each presented their early ideas, in concept only. After some 9 discussion, the following items remained for the ad hoc committees to continue their work. 6 7 Early Recommendations 10 11 Ad Hoc Committee on Member Structure – creating new sections for private practice and employed 12 physicians; consolidation of some general officer positions and duties; eliminating alternates on 13 councils, on the board and within the House of Delegates; and creating a nominating committee. 14 15 Ad Hoc Committee on Membership – development of an emerging physician membership category; 16 expanding peer-to-peer recruitment; updating the medical student section; and reviewing current dues 17 structure. 18 19 Ad Hoc Committee on Corporate Structure – renaming and repositioning the LSMS Educational and 20 Research Foundation; increased oversight of the Health Professionals Foundation of Louisiana; 21 increasing non dues revenue offerings and revitalizing LSMS Physicians Services, Inc. 22 23 Ad Hoc Committee on the House of Delegates – look at different meeting options throughout the year 24 and outside of the state; converting the traditional House of Delegates meeting into more of an annual 25 meeting; collaborating more with other specialty societies during the House; utilizing reference 26 committees; and exploring virtual and hybrid models such as the ones already implemented in many 27 other states. 28 29 At the conclusion of the ad hoc committee presentations, Dr. Williams noted that many of the ideas 30 would ultimately require approval of the House of Delegates as they would facilitate bylaws changes. 31 Dr. Williams again noted that we would resume these discussions in September.
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34 With no additional business to discuss, Dr. Williams adjourned the meeting at 3:40 PM.
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Katherine Williams, MD, President Will Freeman, MD, President-Elect
Beau Clark, MD, Vice Speaker, House of Delegates Richard Paddock, MD, Secretary-Treasurer David Broussard, MD, Chair, Council on Legislation George Ellis, MD, First District Councilor Allen Vander, MD, Third District Councilor F. Jeff White, III, MD, Fourth District Councilor Michael Roppolo, MD, Sixth District Councilor Brian Gamborg, MD, Seventh District Councilor Lance Templeton, MD, Eighth District Councilor Nicholas Viviano, MD, Tenth District Councilor Robert McCord, MD, Senior Physician Member
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