Flame of Excellence, and others. Paid registration is required to attend the awards luncheon. A limited number of tickets may be available for purchase at the door. Friday evening the LSMS hosts a fun filled evening featuring cocktails, food and live entertainment in honor of our newly installed president. Business attire is required with formal attire optional. Paid registration is required in advance in order to attend the President’s Gala. A limited number of tickets may be available for purchase at the door. Delegate Credentials and Registration All delegates, both elected and non-elected, must register to attend the meeting. Registered delegates will receive all meeting materials in advance of the meeting. All delegates must be registered and credentialed before being seated on the floor of the House of Delegates. At each HOD meeting, each delegate receives a delegate badge with an appropriate ribbon, plus an additional badge that can be given to an alternate delegate should the delegate need to be out of the room at the time a vote is taken. Each alternate delegate also receives an alternate delegate badge with an appropriate ribbon. All badges may be picked up at the registration desk, the location and hours of which are announced in the schedule of events and in the meeting handbook. Seating : delegate seating for the HOD rotates from meeting to meeting. The LSMS makes delegate seating assignments to ensure that no one district sits in front (or in back) too often. The seating chart for each HOD meeting is included in the HOD Handbook. Alternate delegates sit apart from the delegates in a reserved seating area during the formal HOD sessions. Reserved seats for alternate delegates are not pre-assigned. Delegates, alternate delegates, and guests are urged to arrive early and be in their seats 15 minutes before the stated time. Similarly, delegates are urged to schedule their departures after the meeting adjourns on the last day, so that they can give full consideration to that day’s business items. The Role of Alternate Delegates : because alternate delegates technically are not HOD members, they cannot introduce resolutions; however, they can be temporarily credentialed to substitute for a delegate, and thus speak and debate on the HOD floor, offer amendments to pending matters, and make motions and vote on the outcome of items of business. In order to vote in elections, alternate delegates must be formally re-credentialed as a delegate, as described in the following section. Re-Credentialing of a Delegate : when a delegate or alternate delegate is unable to attend an HOD meeting, the officials of the organization may substitute a delegate, who on presenting proper credentials is eligible to serve as a delegate to the HOD. If a delegate is absent for part of a day, the delegate is able to give the voting badge to an alternate delegate or a substitute alternate delegate. If the delegate must leave the meeting or is absent for more than half a day, the delegate must formally transfer his credentials to either an alternate delegate or a substitute alternate delegate at the registration area. A temporary substitute delegate has all of the rights and privileges of a delegate, including the right to vote on items of business and vote in any election.
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