Office of Undergraduate Research — Strategic Report 2020

A D M I N I S T R AT I V E + E X T E R N A L

P R O G R AM / A C T I V I T Y

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Alumni Engagement

Cohost 1+ Events with Alumni Relations with 4 student researchers participating Conduct the annual CAS assessment, engaging 5+ stakeholders Develop action plan to address areas of need identified in the assessment process

Cohost 2+ Events with Alumni Relations with 6 student researchers participating Conduct the annual CAS assessment, engaging 6+ stakeholders Develop action plan to address areas of need identified in the assessment process

Cohost 2+ Events with Alumni Relations with 8 student researchers participating Conduct the annual CAS assessment, engaging 7+ stakeholders

Annual Assessment

Develop action plan to address areas of need identified in the assessment process

Annual Reporting

Publish the annual report by August 1, 2021

Publish the annual report by August 1, 2022

Publish the annual report by August 1, 2023

Grant Funding

Submit 1+ grant proposal with 1+ faculty partners

Submit 2+ grant proposals with 2+ faculty partners

Submit 2+ grant proposals with 4+ faculty partners

Marketing and Outreach

Be featured 4+ times in Embry-Riddle News

Be featured 5+ times in Embry-Riddle News

Be featured 6+ times Embry-Riddle News

Professional Development

100% completion of SafeZone training by all staff members, including student staff Work with Philanthropy and Development to engage prospective donors

100% completion of SafeZone training by all staff members, including student staff Maintain relationship with Philanthropy and Development with semesterly communication.

100% completion of SafeZone training by all staff members, including student staff Maintain relationship with Philanthropy and Development with semesterly communication

Strategic Partnerships

Receive $1000+ in donor funding

Receive $1,250+ in donor funding

Receive $1,500+ in donor funding

Strategic Plan + 2020-2023


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