tragedy underlying their day-by- day living, was also portrayed. We are not, of course, to con done sin — neither did Jesus — but so often we don a self-righteous mask, and condemn the sinner along with the sin. Unfortunately one finds that the world is often more understanding and compas sionate than we Christians, the so- called representatives of the Cod of love! We look only at the sin — the black area — rather than the gray areas, the shaded areas of the problems in people's lives which drove them into action that, to them, seemed to be the only way out at the time. The other day I was going to the super-market across the street from
our home and close behind me were three children, walking to school. Even though it was a cold, wintry day, they had no mittens. I knew these youngsters and their mother — I knew her simply as a woman who had had four illegiti mate children, two marriages and divorces and that she was con templating a third marriage. I had thought of her only in that light, pitying, yet despising her weak ness; I had never before thought of her as a mother who was strug gling to provide for her family. Suddenly I realized that this third marriage likely held out hope for her of enough food for the chil dren, for mittens, fruit juices, milk, and toys (for they had very little); Page 13
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