Biola Broadcaster - 1972-06

A. Yes, and without question it is one of the most thrilling passages describing His matchless person. It is perhaps the best picture you will find of Him in the entire Bible. While He is vastly, infinitely more glorious than this, human language fails to convey the full meaning. Q. Porterville, Calif. "What is the difference between the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Gospel of Grace? Did Paul preach only the latter? Which one will be used dur­ ing the Tribulation?" A. Since Gospel means "good news" it is all "grace." In Matthew 9:35 we find our Lord teaching and preaching "the gospel of the king­ dom." That is because He had not as yet died and been resurrected. He was rightly telling them that the King was at hand. It is the same YOU Can Receive

message John the Baptist pro­ claimed. The ten were also sent out with the same truth. So, in es­ sence, the gospel of grace points out that all of God's redemptive work is now finished. It all revolves around three focal points. It con­ cerns a Person, the Christ of the Scripture; His death which was for our sins according to the Scripture; and His bodily ascension into heaven. As to preaching during the Trib­ ulation, keep in mind that anytime a soul is saved it has to be through God's matchless grace. In the strict sense, however, that is not the preaching of "the gospel of grace." In that day it will be the everlasting gospel. People will be warned to get ready for the King will be com­ ing. It will be a counterpart to the truths John the Baptist proclaimed.


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