Biola Broadcaster - 1972-06

we are not saved by a faith that does not work." The faith James speaks of is simply head-knowl­ edge. It is profession without pos­ session. James and Paul are abso­ lutely together because they were both equally inspired by the Holy Spirit. Abraham's faith worked when he was willing to offer Isaac upon the altar of sacrifice (James 2 : 20 ). As to the passage in Philippians

2:12, too many people stop with that verse and miss the whole point. Notice the next, "For it is God who worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure." When we put our faith in God, the Holy Spirit comes into our lives to per­ form His perfect will in and through us. The fruit of the Spirit is worked out in the salvation which He has worked. It is still all the same gos­ pel of grace.

Students making use of the listening room in Crowell Hall.

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