state, man thinks he knows best. His nature is to refuse to acknowl edge that the Lord has a hand in the affairs of men, or that He has revealed Himself to us. How often have apostates tried to discount the miracles of Christ. Such false teachers deny that God can do something man is unable to achieve or even to understand. In Romans 1:20 we see how the Almighty has shown Himself in each phase of creation. Yet, how few today will look at the universe and see the marvels of His eternal glory. The human body is another example of the miraculous power demonstrated by God. Man is against giving God thanks because in so doing he would have to ad mit that the Lord had given us something that we were not able
One of the most challenging and exciting books in the Bible is the epistle to the Romans. Paul wrote it, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to help a church understand its mission (1:11, 12). We must es tablish man's need and then learn what Cod has done about it (vs. 16). The Lord expects that we, de sirous of serving Him, will follow the pathway of submission, dedica tion and transformation (12:1, 2). Have you ever asked yourself, "How does God look at man?" The first two chapters of Romans shows that at best the human race is liv ing a life of rebellion against Him. Because of this we see clearly the wrath and condemnation of God (1:18). There are those who would restrict the advance of the truth, rebelling against Him. In his sinful
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