Biola Broadcaster - 1972-06


to attain by ourselves. Paul says explicity, “their foolish heart was darkened," "they became vain in their imaginations," "they became fools." Instead of seeing man grad­ ually improving himself, he has rather gone down deeper into the dregs of sin and wickedness. The verdict of judgment has al­ ready been pronounced (1:24, 26, 28). Read these verses and see some of the darkest words in all of Scripture. It is plainly stated, "Cod gave them up!" When man rebels against the Lord he is turned loose only to find destruction and devas­ tation to be complete. The picture at Rome as well as what we see taking place in America today does not seem to be much different. All manner of evil comes as a result of man turning away from the Lord's

influence in his life (1:29). Read that black list of dire consequences. You will think you are reading sec­ tion one of your local newspaper! Cod sees man, living a life of rebellion and estrangement. Chap­ ter two shows that, without Christ, we face the judgment of the Lord. No one can escape for we are all guilty of the same things. Be­ cause man is able to recognize what God wants, he is literally con­ demning himself (John 3:18, 19). The Lord judges according to His truth whether man will accept the truth or not. We are like the fellow who was up before the judge for stealing. The magistrate said, "Do you prom­ ise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" The fellow Page 25

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